( OOM: Skulduggery Pleasant, Detective extraordinaire, gets a
surprise visit from a troll while out walking, but gets a little more than he bargained for with a not-so-mysterious door. )
The front door is swung open forcefully and in barrels a rather frantic figure, who is immediately up on his feet again and poised for a fight.
What he spots,
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He's staring, a little. Promise, it's not him trying to be rude, the poor guy is just confused.
This looks like one of the skeletons from his anatomy class back in college come to life.
More staring.
The talking skeleton is quite friendly, it seems, and that makes Doc smile.
"If you do need a room, or anything at all, you can get it by asking Bar."
"So, where are you actually from then, Doc?"
It's easier to just say it all at once.
"You, sir?"
"People from all over the place come here then?"
He brightens slightly at the mention of Ireland. Ireland is close to England, which is where Mr. Tunstall was from.
[[slowtime is good for me.]]
"Very random indeed," he agrees, though thankfully so. He's glad the door appeared when it did, in all honesty. "And what exactly happens to those without a door?"
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