This here, thinketh Miniver, looks really, really, really cool. Therefor, here is a hippie, peering over the back of the booth, watching with curiousity the goings-on below.
Somewhere around the rafters, in Miniver's general vicinity, is a soft bell sound every now and again. It may reveal its source presently.
Being as how he was an authentic hippie, he might recognize some of the designs. Maybe.
Most of what Clive was drawing and stapling fabric swatches to was what would have happened had the neuveau goth movement taken over the flower-child era instead of the Victorian.
He reached for his cup, hand waving vaguely near it while he scribbled another quick note, looking up to find the cup, finally, and blinking when he spotted Miniver, "Hi."
Clive smiled, setting his cup down again after having taken a gulp, "I'm, uh, I'm a fashion designer, and I've got a showcase coming up at the, the show in Milan, so I'm... doing my best to get ready in time."
Comments 36
Somewhere around the rafters, in Miniver's general vicinity, is a soft bell sound every now and again. It may reveal its source presently.
Most of what Clive was drawing and stapling fabric swatches to was what would have happened had the neuveau goth movement taken over the flower-child era instead of the Victorian.
He reached for his cup, hand waving vaguely near it while he scribbled another quick note, looking up to find the cup, finally, and blinking when he spotted Miniver, "Hi."
"Hi," he answers, voice soft. "Um, what're you doing?"
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