
May 01, 2007 21:21

No slime today! Ray's been busy with other things, most of which have to do with his nephews. You can't neglect an apprenticeship just because you've been off tootling around South Dakota looking for invisible bureaucrat jailbirds ( Read more... )

ray stantz, raptor red, dot matrix

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redsnout May 2 2007, 02:12:38 UTC
Raptor Red remembers quite a bit about Milliways, ranging from how to get food to what the layout of the outside area is like. But what she remembers best are the humans, and one human in particular.

And nowshe's spotted that particular stupid-brave human/walking source of handouts. This calls for a greeting.

Hopefully, Ray won't mind the sight of a raptor lunging out from between the tables, jaws spread wide as she calls "KHOH!"


redsnout May 2 2007, 06:42:30 UTC
The acro bellows again-and this time it isn't a roar meant to intimidate, but a bellow of pain. The dinosaur attempts to turn and follow Ray-only to find that its leg is no longer cooperating. Staggering, the animal tries to regain its footing, but the turn has already thrown it off balance-and it crashes to the ground with another cry.

This doesn't stop the acro's jaws from snapping madly, sending strings of saliva flying. It does its best to thrash around, attempting to right itself again.

On the hillside, there's a commotion as the raptors chatter and jostle at each other.


gone_byebye May 2 2007, 06:49:25 UTC
Okay, thrashing? Not cool. That's a great way for a little pink squishy to get, well, squished. The only thing that saves Ray's tuchus right now is the fact that he's really, really well-practiced at getting the heck out of the way when the training drone goes into Someone Gave Jet Li 'Water Joe' mode.

He's gonna be over here, okay? Like, behind the spazzy wounded angry probably three times more hazardous than ever before oh God if he doesn't put it out of its misery it's going to kill him anyway and Romana's never going to forgive him, is she...



He's looking for his opening to get well behind this critter and come at the spinal column up near the skull, out of the way of all the funky scales and spikes and things on the rest of its back. If he's lucky, he figures he'll get one crack at it.


redsnout May 2 2007, 06:52:33 UTC
The acro continues to thrash and bellow, still trying-and failing-to use its injured leg again. The animal does pause for a few moments, however, panting madly. The chasing and charging would normally tire it enough-but the frantic attempts to get back on its feet have tired it further.

Meanwhile, the pack begins to slowly move down the hillside.


gone_byebye May 2 2007, 06:58:16 UTC
And that would be where Ray takes his one and only chance, lunging for the back of the poor thing's neck to bring the 'saber down as swiftly and efficiently as he can.


redsnout May 2 2007, 07:02:23 UTC
The acro gives one last bellow as the lightsaber goes in, then goes limp and silent. The problem of the giant carnivore is finally solved.

However, there's still the matter of the smaller, but still relatively large, carnivores to deal with as the pack makes their way down the hill and towards Ray. There's four adults and one raptor that looks to be about Scribble's age, stepping cautiously towards Ray and fanning out around him.


gone_byebye May 2 2007, 13:41:23 UTC
Yes, there is that. Which is why the 'saber stays on.

"Greetings," says Ray cautiously to the nearest of the raptors, ducking his head for a moment. "I... don't suppose you have any way of understanding me?" Garion's amulet lets him communicate with every animal alive in his or Garion's time, and with far more sapient non-humans, but this far back in the past it hasn't done him nearly as much good as he'd like.

"My name is Ray. I'm a friend of Red's. You're more than welcome to the meat, there," he says, indicating the corpse and fighting the urge to scramble for the rocks again. One big predator? Not a problem. Five predators of considerable size but still capable of fitting into human-sized spaces? Big problem.

"Red, Scribble, wherever you are, now would be a really good time for you to show up," he adds, addressing the air in general. "Come on, guys."


redsnout May 3 2007, 01:44:34 UTC
"Khht," says the lead raptor, stepping closer to Ray-but still keeping his distance. He's seen what Ray can do with what the raptor has now dubbed 'the hissing stick'. His head tilts as he sniffs at the human, attempting to make sense of the scent. It triggers something of a memory-he remembers it being on the things Scribble and Raptor Red brought back to the cave.

Another raptor-a lanky female-isn't as calm as the male. She raises her head and hisses, and the stocky male beside her joins in. Both raptors quiet down, however, as the other male growls at them. He begins to circle around Ray, his posture alert, but not much more threatening than usual. He's curious.


gone_byebye May 3 2007, 01:53:54 UTC
Ray would shut off the 'saber to show that he means no harm, but that's probably not the best course of action when surrounded by unfamiliar raptors. He does, however, attempt a quick imitation of Scribble's yeeping, hoping that it'll spark some kind of 'hi, i'm harmless' recognition.


redsnout May 3 2007, 02:11:10 UTC
"Snhrt!" The male blinks and stares at Ray, while the other raptors squawk at each other. This funny thing makes sounds like a chick-should it do that?

The youngest raptor darts forward for a moment, letting out a brief "Yeepyeep!" in return. But then he hops back, retreating behind the pair that had been hissing.

Meanwhile, the last raptor is moving behind Ray, watching him with a tilted head. She's trying to make sense of the lightsaber, and that means viewing it from all sides.


gone_byebye May 3 2007, 02:21:15 UTC
Well, it's not like he's got a throat for making sounds like an adult! Plus he's out of jerky! He's just going to be looking as harmless as possible now- and looking over his shoulder at the other raptor. "Can I help you?" he asks warily.


redsnout May 3 2007, 02:27:31 UTC
"Khht! Khht!" The female bobs her head towards the lightsaber, still watching it with rapt fascination. After all, it's a funny stick held by a funny thing, and it can kill acros. It's hard not to be interested in such a thing.

The lanky female and the stocky male begin to stalk forward again, the female making a short, harsh sound at the leader of the pack. She growls as she swings her head towards Ray, snapping her jaws a few times.


gone_byebye May 3 2007, 02:34:29 UTC
Ray turns the saber this way and that so that the female can see it- why not, after all?- but the oncoming two get a startled look. "Okay. I'm not threatening anybody," he says hastily. "Look! Meat! Lots of meat! Go eat it, not me- it's not even moving..."


redsnout May 3 2007, 02:40:42 UTC
The friendlier female's head moves back and forth like a cat watching a laser pointer-wherever the saber moves, her line of sight follows right along with it. She squawks to herself, stepping closer so she can get a better look. Unlike the rest of the adults, her posture isn't threatening in the least-instead, she's trying to make herself not look like a threat.

The pair glance towards the acro carcass for a moment, eyeing it carefully, but their attention soon returns to Ray. The female crouches with a hiss, raising her foreclaws-but is quickly rebuffed by a snap from the lead male. "Hsss!"


gone_byebye May 3 2007, 02:46:33 UTC
Ray very carefully lowers the saber, holding it point down. "I'd demonstrate it to you, but I'd have to pick something up to do it," he says. "Red? Reeeeed? Now would be a really good time to show up, honey."


redsnout May 3 2007, 02:52:00 UTC
The female steps closer to sniff at the saber-from a distance. She saw it cut, and she's bright enough to want to keep a least a little distance between herself and it.

Meanwhile, Ray's call hasn't gone unanswered. After scrabbling, hissing, and occasionally directing a bodyslam or two at the spot where the door should be, the door finally reappears in the bar for Red and Scribble. The two charge back out, both calling "Khoh! Khoh!"

The other raptors snort and squawk, temporarily abandoning Ray to go see what the pair is squawking about.


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