Lake Party Water Post Day Two

Feb 11, 2007 12:36

Sunshine Dust, the golden squid, frolics closer to shore today. There were so many people to play with in the lake yesterday! And squids need love and attention too ( Read more... )

julian luna, jake, megara, barbara gordon, abigail whistler, stephanie brown, rachel grey, lake party, michael, aubrey, nathan petrelli, dean thomas, yrael, elizabeth, bill pardy, fire, merlin, katara, saffron, mia ausa, zuko

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Comments 386

A different kind of entrance... ncdcas_cable February 11 2007, 17:44:27 UTC
Nathan and Alice were, meanwhile, swimming in a small cove at Providence, enjoying the early morning sun and still cool water. Nathan grins at Alice and kisses her, then ducks under the water to dive deep, stretching his muscles, as he drives deeper and deeper.

Finally, though, it is time to rise back up again, and so he does, slowly, head breaking the surface and...

...he blinks around at the lake party in Milliways' back area.

"What the--?"



Re: A different kind of entrance... sorrowfulmisery February 11 2007, 17:47:44 UTC
And for once Alice had been enjoying herself. Almost no worries in the world. Key word there... almost. She kisses Nathan back and watches him dive under the cool water and raises a brow when she suddenly hears his voice in her head.


But even as she says that one word she dives under after where he'd gone. It doesn't take long for her to resurface right next to her husband. In which case she blinks a bit. How the hell...?

"Someone explain this to me again..."


Re: A different kind of entrance... ncdcas_cable February 11 2007, 17:53:15 UTC
Seeing her, he relaxes slightly, then glances down, realizing he had summonned his psimitar to his hand without even thinking.

"I believe that the Landlord is having His usual fun. We appear to be back at Milliways... in the middle of a party. I am not sure why it is so warm though."

He eyes the area, then shrugs.

"One area is as good as the next to swim in, right?"


Re: A different kind of entrance... sorrowfulmisery February 11 2007, 17:58:12 UTC
"It's as good as any once you put your weapons away, Mr. Summers." She teases.

Though his explaination of why or how they were back at Milliways made sense to her. Though, yeah, last she'd checked it had still been winter. "Maybe they just decided if they're going to have a party its better to have it out where its warm rather than cold."


bright_burning February 11 2007, 18:04:32 UTC
Swimming. Immersing yourself in water. Fully in water.

This logic does not compute.

But other people seem to have enjoyed it, so, y'know. Might as well see? And so it that there is a Fire sitting at the very edge of the lake, right where the water meets the sand, and inching her way in.


Veeeeeeery slowly.


powerful_blood February 11 2007, 18:21:04 UTC
Merlin pauses nearby, with his glass of wine and nods to her.

"Testing out the waters?"

Little motes of golden light dance around him.


bright_burning February 11 2007, 22:17:24 UTC
"One could say, yeah."

She glances over at him. "And you?"


powerful_blood February 12 2007, 01:11:36 UTC
"I am quite comfortable in the waters. I enjoy them."

He glances at her, then at the water.

"Have you never swum?"


waylostandfound February 11 2007, 18:22:08 UTC
Ever heard the one about the swimming politician?

Well there was one in the water now, expertly practicing he knew as a kid, and some techniques he learned in the Navy. And as long as he was underwater... maaaaybe a sly way to do some flying? Or at least *very fast* swimming?


Or not.


mothpapa February 11 2007, 18:35:08 UTC
There is a rustling in the bushes behind a large rock by the side of the lake as a violet toga is tossed over it. Imagine now a Disney-style overture of "SOMG SEXY LADY" music done with badly-played trumpets and someone whistling from offscreen. That would be Megara, deciding to go for a swim.

She's GREEK. Why would she wear CLOTHING to go SWIMMING?


twiceahero February 11 2007, 20:51:45 UTC
Barbara, eyes caught by the bright purple garment, rolls over. "You, um, want me to watch this so that it's still here when you get back?" She's not, precisely, grinning. But she is imagining just how funny it would be if someone wandered off with the toga.


mothpapa February 11 2007, 21:31:53 UTC
Meg wouldn't care. In fact, she'd probably flaunt it for all it's worth.

"If that's what give you your kicks," she answers with a royal smirk.


twiceahero February 11 2007, 21:39:34 UTC
That voice, that smirk, Babs groans. "Oh no. I just offered help to royalty, didn't I?" Because royalty's a state of mind, and it's a state that Meg is rather familiar with.


twiceahero February 11 2007, 20:38:37 UTC
Barbara is sitting in her chair looking out over the lake when something green catches her eye. She rolls over for a closer look, then grins as she recognizes the cut and color. Someone was wearing these yesterday, and won't they be embarrassed to know that she knows they were lost.

She scoops them up laughing and goes back to staring out across the lake.


i_spoiled_it February 11 2007, 21:20:59 UTC
Steph has acquired a nice new red bikini. She don't need no stinkin' green one.

...Well, she liked the green one better, but it got FLUNG AWAY.

She may die if she realises Babs knows this.

It'd be quite funny.

"Good morning," she offers, drifting up all unawares.


twiceahero February 11 2007, 21:28:00 UTC
Babs hasn't slept, but she's used to not sleeping. The massive mug of coffee helps. She looks up at Steph and grins, "Hey, you. What'd you do last night after I wandered off?"


i_spoiled_it February 12 2007, 02:33:01 UTC
"Oh, this and that," Steph says, and gives her a quick grin. "Swimming. Talking. Still drinking. I'd be sleeping still, only I don't think the sun will last for ever, and it's so nice out here." This last is breathed wistfully. It's been winter for so long! Steph likes the sun. For all they don't get much of it at home.


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