(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 09:07

Ajedrez has been keeping to her room, and to the brothel, for one very, very good reason.

The yuppies.

Not that she's really talked to any, but she's been watching and her metaphorical hackles have been going up even as another part of her brain has been going 'what. the. hell?'. Today, however, she's a little tired of hiding and thus she is down in the main bar. She's dressed for work, as she's just come off her shift - comfortable shoes, black pants, with the bodice from Halloween and her thick hair has been pulled back into a high ponytail.

She is also wearing the leather jacket she picked up in Florence (in an oom that isn't finished yet). It's leather. It's brown, and orange, and green, and all patched together. It's mildly seventies and just this side of tacky.

Ajedrez loves it to pieces.

She is also arguing with Bar. If you can understand Spanish, then the subject of 'proper food' and 'real coffee' comes up fairly often.

asakura yoh, sands

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