Oct 27, 2006 01:41
It's not so much the voice, the singing, or the mystery that bother little Hotaru Tomoe so much anymore.
It's the feeling, the memory. Like...
Just today, she was walking home, happy, and suddenly a memory filled her being as plain as reality,
walking home, sad. Wearing dark tights and dark long sleeves.
Having no friends, and misery...
It's the feeling, the memory, of...
Lying asleep. Lying cold, and asleep. Sleeping for... so long. Watching a civilization collapse.
She shakes those things off. "I'm a different person now..."
But it's the feeling. It's the memory of taking the stone staff of that cruel weapon in hand that comes to mind most often these days. It's the memory of reveling in the destruction even as she mourned the losses she was creating.
Or did she? Did she ever really mourn them?
The memories, and the intensity of the feeling when they come, disturb her.
She's standing on the grass by the lake outside of Milliways Bar. She's standing barefoot (despite the cold) and watching the dark waters lap against the lake's shore.
She is starting to feel that something is not right. What exactly that something is, she couldn't say just now.
hotaru tomoe