
Oct 26, 2006 08:51

Max looks a little relieved to see the bar today.

The twins have been asking what Halloween is all week, and she's tired of it.

There are no holidays for those on the run.

...Except, of course, for those involving an odd restaurant with it's own sense of time, a winged girl, and a glass of cherry coke.

captain kirk, maximum

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works_in_space October 26 2006, 15:08:43 UTC
Jim Kirk enters the main bar, having slept late (again - he's really getting lazy here), and notices something odd. Very odd.

"You have wings," he sort of blurts out.


works_in_space October 26 2006, 17:37:40 UTC
"You don't know who made you?" He is a bit surpsied by this, though his research of the Eugenics Wars did show that it's possible Khan's group never knew their creators either.


sky_high_max October 27 2006, 00:48:29 UTC
((Arg, sorry, errands held me up.))

"Oh no, I've... already taken care of them. I meant whoever did this same kind of thing elsewhere... Your time."

She shrugs. And eats pizza.


works_in_space October 27 2006, 13:10:29 UTC
There is something very disturbing about Max's tone. Did this young woman with the wings kill her creator?

"What do you mean, taken care of them?"


sky_high_max October 27 2006, 17:31:11 UTC
She suddenly looks very interested in the texture of the counter.

"They... I had no choice. The government wasn't doing anything about it, and they were going to kill Kit and Frannie..."


works_in_space October 27 2006, 17:50:10 UTC
"I see..." He pauses for a moment, trying to think of what to say. He doesn't approve, but he also knows that some times you do what you have to for friends.

"And what happened to you and your friends after this?"


sky_high_max October 27 2006, 18:09:56 UTC
"...Well, then the media and legal system got involved, and we wound up sent to live with our biological parents and put into the public educational system."

That's perhaps the most awkward part of the story.


works_in_space October 27 2006, 18:16:08 UTC
"So you became famous, and then someone had the bright idea to put you in a public school?" Kirk has to stifle a snort of derision. "That might me be a worse idea than illegal genetic experimwnts.

"I sincerely hope that they got you and your friends into something better, something more suited to you."


sky_high_max October 27 2006, 18:18:46 UTC
Sheepish grin.

"They didn't, we did. We ran away and... well, that's where we are now. Hiding out in the wilderness and shabby hotels. It's pretty fitting, really. Adventure of a lifetime and all."


works_in_space October 27 2006, 18:21:00 UTC
Despite himself, he smiles. He never disapproves of adventure. "Yes, I suppose it is. But...well, you'd have to have been on the run for years. Hasn't it gotten a bit tiring?"


sky_high_max October 27 2006, 18:30:45 UTC

She holds up her fingers and counts.

"Actually, we've only been on the run about three weeks."


works_in_space October 27 2006, 18:33:52 UTC
"Three...weeks." Kirk pauses to look at the young woman again. "And you just escaped from school now...

"Max, how old are you?"


sky_high_max October 27 2006, 18:38:51 UTC
"...Thirteen?" she offers, resting her head on her hands. "But... I'm part bird... and birds age faster... so I'm like 25 for a human, probably..."


works_in_space October 27 2006, 18:50:09 UTC
"Thirteen. They put a thirteen year old who looks 25 in a class with teenaged boys...

"I was thirteen once. I don't think I would have lasted a week in a class with a girl who looked 25." And he is very, very thankful that he kept his natural tendency to flirt in check.


sky_high_max October 27 2006, 18:54:48 UTC
"Yeah... that... did get pretty awful."

She lowers her head a little more, hoping her hair will hide her red face.

"I think it was harder for my little brother, though. He looked about 16, but he's still small enough that the older boys would beat up on him."


works_in_space October 27 2006, 19:05:00 UTC
"I never thought I would say this, but maybe you're better off here. I personally neeed to get back home, but i can think of worse refuges for you." Interestingly, Jim is still talking to her like she's 25, and probably will for some time.


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