
Oct 10, 2006 18:09

[OOM: Iceheart keeps herself busy.]The woman who steps through the door tonight is tall, dressed in a crisp red uniform with simple rank insignia on the left shoulder. She is middle-aged, and maybe she would be beautiful if it weren't for the sharp cast to her features, framed by a thick lock of white hair on either side of her face, and if it ( Read more... )

corran horn, ysanne isard, tahiri veila, wes janson, tycho celchu, winter d'altaire, derek "hobbie" klivian, wedge antilles

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corsec_jedi October 10 2006, 22:28:17 UTC
And there is a table of Rogues that just happened to notice.

He felt her come in rather than see it happen. At times, he was sorry to be a Jedi.

Corran's jaw is set like steel, and he puts one hand on Hobbie's shoulder and whispers, "Put it away. Let her make the first move."


hellobugbite October 11 2006, 04:49:07 UTC
"I would suggest," Hobbie says, the words slicing through the air like vibroblades, "that you lower your blaster. Madame Director. Because if you so much as twitch there's enough of us here that'll riddle you with holes."


twostandingby October 11 2006, 04:55:54 UTC
When Wedge chose the worst possible moment to walk in and Isard began to move, Tycho had started, had half-risen and raised his own blaster higher -- but he's back in his seat now, sitting very still. No sudden moves.

That applies as well to the blaster barrel pointed unerringly at Ysanne Isard.

Almost before Hobbie's finished speaking, he's growling, "Lower it."


rogue_wraith October 11 2006, 05:08:42 UTC
"It seems you already managed to rile my pilots, Madame Director." Wedge observes, doing his best to ignore the blaster so close to his head. "You certainly do work fast."

Then, a little louder, to be heard over the noise of the bar:
"Two, Four, stand easy." Because honestly the last thing he needs is to be accidentally shot by the former Imperial Chief of Intelligence.


iceheart_isard October 11 2006, 05:21:50 UTC
For a split second, Isard looks more annoyed than anything; she hadn't meant for this to happen. Hadn't meticulously planned it.

"Hello, Commander," she says pleasantly enough, though any pleasantries are negated by the way she watches him along the line of her arm and the blaster at the end of it. She glances quickly at the table full of Rogues, and maybe some of her irritation comes through as she says sharply, "Do you really think I'm that stupid?"


corsec_jedi October 11 2006, 06:43:33 UTC
"Well, you did seem to think that you could turn Tycho and I against our comrades. Now, it seems to me that even a Kowakian monkey-lizard knows better than that."

Corran was a LOT happier when the blaster was pointed in his general direction. It's gonna be a lot more difficult to block a blaster shot if it's aimed way over at Wedge. And maintaining his concentration on the Force would be a LOT easier without a quiet, dark voice prodding him.

It'd be so easy, I could just cut her down right now. She has no idea what I've become since last we met... NO. I can only defend us if she attacks. No matter what she deserves.You mean when she attacks. She's not necessarily that stupid.


alderaani_intel October 11 2006, 11:18:36 UTC
"Shut up Corran." Winter says sharply, shaking only slightly at the touchy subject, glancing at Tycho before she moves out of the booth, her blaster going back on her hip. "Of course you're not stupid, Ysanne. Just foolish. Put the blaster down. In fact, I think everyone should put their blasters down. The last thing we need is for one of you to get trigger happy and accidently shoot a passerby."

She gestures at the bar at large. C'mon guys, use brains.


iceheart_isard October 11 2006, 14:47:11 UTC
Isard's mouth tightens at Horn's words. She does not like being reminded of her failures, few and far between as they are. But then the white-haired woman is speaking, using her first name as if they're on a friendly basis, and her jaw is setting harder.

She is going to find out who this woman is. She's going to find out who all of them are. And then they're going to regret it.

"I'm not accidentally shooting anyone," she says coldly, and there is a definite emphasis on the word 'accidentally.'

She doesn't move a millimeter.


corsec_jedi October 11 2006, 22:07:12 UTC
Normally, Corran would heed Winter's advice.

Then again, 'normally', Isard doesn't have a gun to the head of one of his closest friends.

I have to get her attention off Wedge and back on me. I need her focused towards me... how do I do that without igniting my lightsaber?

"You know, Winter's right. 'Foolish' is a better word to describe you." Pause. "So is 'cowardly'. Pointing a blaster at the head of a man who poses no immediate threat to you... suppose we should have seen it coming." Corran shakes his head in dramatic disgust. "How Imperial of you."

Yes, provoke her. Make her attack you. Defend your friends, and she's yours. No one else gets hurt this way.


twostandingby October 11 2006, 22:39:30 UTC
What does Corran think he's doing?

Tycho's blaster is on the table, though his fingers still rest on the hilt; it has been lowered ever since Wedge told them to ease up. "Captain, stow it," he says sharply.


iceheart_isard October 11 2006, 22:44:04 UTC
A muscle tics in Isard's cheek, the only outward expression of her anger aside from the way that mismatched eyes are snapping. She doesn't look over at Horn but--

Her grip suddenly tightens on the hold-out blaster.


corsec_jedi October 12 2006, 00:21:54 UTC
Okay, NOT working. Shut up. No! She has to attack you! She'll kill Wedge. SHUT UP.

Corran bites his tongue and seethes. His lightsaber remains in hand, unlit. And if looks could kill, Isard would have just been hit by a full barrage from Lusankya itself.


shaped_jeedai October 12 2006, 00:27:34 UTC
When Tahiri came back to the Bar with Zekk a few days ago, the intention was to take advantage of a lull in the last few decades or so of near-constant crises. They came here to have a bit of fun, a vacation.

She did not expect a sudden bombardment of hostility and anger and near-boiling rage. And that's what it felt like-- like someone had just turned the mental heat up tenfold, dropping a wave of red fire on her mind. When groups of people suddenly get very tense and very angry, Jedi can feel it. Especially when there's another Force-user involved.

Tahiri rushes downstairs, hastily dressed in a too-large Jedi robe, hair mussed and face flushed, clutching her lightsaber very firmly in one hand. It doesn't take long to find the group engaged in some kind of Corellian stand-off.

There is a wave of her right hand, and the blaster the woman in red (looks familiar, but where from? an old holovid? documentary, maybe?) holds is wrenched from her grip and tossed up to rest on one of the wide rafters overhead.

"Drop your weapons," she ( ... )


iceheart_isard October 12 2006, 00:35:41 UTC
Isard whirls in shock as the weapon is forcibly yanked out of her hand and goes flying.



rogue_wraith October 12 2006, 01:03:18 UTC
Wedge quickly sidesteps out of Isard's range, keeping a watchful eye on her as he retreats to Winter's side. If one was very observant, one might have seen the quick flash of relief as soon as the blaster was no longer pointed in his direction.

One might have also seen the flash of amusement at Isard's expression. Seems there are some definite uses for Jedi.

"Rogues, power down." His voice is quiet, but edged. He knows, particularly for two of his friends, blasting Isard would only make the day better. Hell, if he could get his hands on a blaster and get in one good shot, he'd burn her down where she stands. But they have no juristiction here, and he doesn't want any of his pilots jailed for doing what is, essentially, the right thing.


hellobugbite October 12 2006, 02:15:36 UTC
"Aw, c'mon, Wedge, not even a 'weapons malfunction'?"

It's not quite a whine, but it's close.

Still, Hobbie lowers his blaster.

He doesn't return it to its holster, though.


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