(no subject)

Sep 21, 2006 19:08

Moving from the door to the bar, Hero lays down the items in her hands. "Payment for my tab, Bar. I hope that's fair." For a moment nothing happens, but then the items seem to simply disappear. When she checks her name on the tab board, there's a big fat zero next to it. That's good.

That's really good. "Thanks." She pats the bar's surface, then turns around, scanning the room sharply.

Shit: she doesn't see him. Stepping into the middle of the room, she clears her throat.


There's a moment's silence where she wonders what the fuck, is everyone deaf or something? before she tries again.

"I'm looking for a man named Quinn!"

Someone's got to have heard that one. Maybe she's not as patient as she used to be before every goddamn man on the planet but her dog of a brother dropped fucking dead, but she can bide her time for a little bit. She holds her trusty Polaroid camera tight in her hand, waiting and listening and watching and hoping like hell he didn't leave without saying goodbye.

hero brown, quinn abercromby, jack twist

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