(no subject)

Aug 01, 2006 22:57


Irene Tassenbaum enters the bar, looking... subdued. She smiles faintly at the book and letter that appear; she sets it to one side and lays a letter of her own on the Bar, whispering instructions to the wood.

Then she posts a letter on the bulletin board; it seems a horrible way to do it, but there doesn't seem to be any other way to track down the right people.

Both letters are on Tet Corporation stationery.

To all who consider themselves friends of Eddie or Susannah Dean

There is an important message for you with the Bar. Please ask for the message from the Tet Corporation as soon as possible.

We regret that we do not know who specifically to contact.

If you're reading this, you are a friend of Eddie or Susannah Dean, or perhaps both. I'm contacting you on behalf of the Tet Corporation, a firm that worked for the Deans in their work preserving the structure of the multiverse.

We regret to inform you, particularly in this impersonal way, that Eddie Dean has passed away. As you are no doubt aware, he died some time ago, but had continued to live in Milliways for some time, but he has gone now to the clearing at the end of his path. It may comfort you to know that he died in a moment of heroism, with bravery in his heart, and talking. Always talking and laughing, to the end.

It seems clear, as well, that Susannah Dean will not be returning to Milliways for the foreseeable future. She is physically unharmed, but obviously devastated by the loss of Eddie. She is in the care of a boy named Patrick Danville, who was close to the Deans.

It's not known precisely where Patrick and Susannah are, but we have every reason to believe that they are as well as they may be, under the circumstances.

This information was obtained by certain psychics living in hiding, rescued from capitivity by the work of the Deans, among others. This, as well as their victories over the forces of evil in the multiverse, is their legacy.

They have served their ka and their tet, and they will not be forgotten.

Again, we regret deeply that we weren't able to track down individually each person who knew the Deans. Unfortunately, none of us are well-acquainted with their lives in Milliways. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all in this time.

Irene Tassenbaum, for the Tet Corporation
Taos, NM, 2006.

She gets a glass of iced tea and sits glumly at the Bar.

(Anyone who asks the bar for the letter will receive a copy.)

simon tam, river tam, oom, ray stantz, gabriel tam

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