
Jul 31, 2006 18:37

Lawrence is perched near the fire with a cup of tea in hand, a map stretched across his lap haphazardly.

He only appears busy - really he's not doing much of anything.

mary anne bell, draco malfoy, random of amber, te lawrence, tom jones

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yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 00:49:02 UTC

"Where in the world is that?" Elegant forefinger tapping the edge of the map.


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 01:46:16 UTC

Idle hands, he flips the lighter across the back of his knuckles and back into his cupped palm just before pocketing it.

An eyebrow lifts in question, "Hm?"


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 01:48:35 UTC
"That seems terribly excessive."


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 01:54:05 UTC

"Terribly." He smiles.


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 01:59:23 UTC
"Which is, of course, why you like it."


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 02:04:06 UTC
"If you do not know about excess, how can you be expected to know what your limits are?" He asks, agreeably.


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:05:13 UTC
"There are ways to test your limits without spending excessive amounts of money."


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 02:12:15 UTC
"These are the ways in which I test my limits, Mr. Lawrence."

He smokes, enjoying his cigar with half-closed eyes, peering over at him.

"What are your ways, hm?"


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:12:32 UTC
"Well, they are far more and far less pleasant than your ways."

He shakes his head.


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 02:15:46 UTC

Patrick shrugs, with an airy flippant gesture of his freed hand.

"Not all of my ways are pleasant, Mr. Lawrence. You have seen the ones that are."


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:16:31 UTC
"Of course." He arches a brow at the flippant jesture.

His own ways tend to be ... well, foolishly unpleasant.


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 02:23:02 UTC

The cigar is extinguished, leaving a smear of tobacco ash and a raised semi-circular welt against the back of his hand.

Patrick slides the remainder into his pocket, and shifts his seated position slightly, half of his attention set on one of the passing (rats) waiters.

"Tell me one of your ways, Mr. Lawrence." Slight smirk, "For a drink?"


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:30:22 UTC
"What possible reason could you have for wishing to know one of my ways, if you don't mind me asking."

There is a pause. "However, I do not necessarily have an objection to a drink."


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 02:38:11 UTC

He raises a hand to stop one of those scurrying rats (midget waiters) but does not order yet, because he answers Lawrence first. Simply.


Ordering for himself, "Rémy Martin cognac, and," A pause here for Lawrence before a flick of a wave sends the rat away.


almost_arabian August 1 2006, 02:41:38 UTC
He makes his own short order of non-specific whiskey.

"Well, I cannot see much harm in it. I'm most fond of venturing out into the desert without food or drink for extended periods of time.."


yuppie_trash August 1 2006, 02:45:32 UTC

"To test your limits."

Lawrence would be right, Patrick does find the very idea of it foolishly unpleasant. But he smiles slightly, "Cannot begrudge such an unusual way."

A longer moment of consideration follows.

"Not at all. It's impressive."


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