Friendly's just as good as familiar - and in rare cases, even better. Johnny glances down at the boy. "Hey there, kiddo," he smiles. "Nice coat. One'a my favorite colors."
"Hey, anytime. You want something to drink? Ice cream soda, maybe?" This isn't posturing on Johnny's part ... he knows that if -he- were a kid with cool red-jacket fashion sense, -he'd- want an ice cream soda. ... He'd even want one once he finished his ice water, really.
"Hi, there. I'm Johnny." The guy looks familiar to him, too. He frowns, thoughtfully, for a moment, then smiles. "... You a friend of CJ's? You look familiar. ... Then again, a lot of people tend to, to me..."
He glances over, feeling that slight thrill in the air he gets when god/esses are present. Not as strong as the one he gets around Coyote, of course, but still, it makes him smile.
She smiled at that as she settled into the next seat over, "I think I should know you, and I think it's rather a pitty that I don't." She commented mildly enough, stirring the cornmeal paste. At least this batch was a normal color.
It's just entirely possible that there are. Ray's got a bowl of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs (huzzah for the artificial!) and a seat by the Window; he's wearing his Cthulhu slippers again. Hasn't really noticed Johnny's arrival yet, but he'll be happy to perk right up once he does.
Johnny receives his ice water, and sips at it as he visually makes a circuit of the bar. One mouthful nearly gets spit back out in surprise as he catches sight of Ray, and he either waves or flails - there's not too much difference.
"Ray! Hey! ... When'd they let you out here? ... Did you get my note?"
The face won't be familiar, but the uniform likely will. There was another Ghostbuster in the bar with some breakfast who eyed the arrival. No look of shock really so not that new. Didn't look familiar though. Hmmm...
Johnny glances over and spots the other 'Buster, then waves to catch his eye. "Hi there. .... Are you Dr. Venkman, or Dr. Spengler?" He pauses before realizing that either way, said 'Buster has no idea who HE is. "I'm Johnny Destiny ... friend of Ray's."
"With a small g," he replies, smiling. The thought doesn't seem to lessen things for him, at all. He holds out a hand. "Can I get you something to go with your breakfast? Coffee?"
Comments 38
But he's friendly.
"Good morning."
But she knows who he is. Sort of. She's like that.
And besides that he makes her brain itch because he's familiar, so, Johnny, have a goddess with a green duck and a basket of cornmeal paste, "Hello."
"Hi. ... Have a seat?"
He'd offer a handshake, but her hands seem otherwise occupied. A smile, however, tends to do just as well in most cases.
"Ray! Hey! ... When'd they let you out here? ... Did you get my note?"
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