Entrance Post

Mar 25, 2006 00:58

(OOM: Pre-Milliways - murder in no man's land)

It's the sudden lack of charnel-house stench that first alerts Ames White to the fact that his current location is not exactly what he'd expected. Simply stepping out of the alley would not be able to erase that. So he stops dead just inside the door, eyes narrowing sharply as he surveys his surroundings.

It isn't that moving from a murder scene to a bar is entirely unexpected, more that he hadn't walked inside at all, and even if he had, there were no places of business open so close to Terminal City. Not with the siege on, anyhow.

Which means he shouldn't be here. Which means something very strange is going on. Somehow, he's certain it connects to 452. In the past nine months, everything important had.

Still, that doesn't change the first step: finding out where the hell he is.
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