
Mar 06, 2006 14:33

The front door flies open. There's a brief glimpse of a New York alleyway, and the sound of quite a few people, but that doesn't last long. This is because Ray fairly leaps through the door and slams it shut behind him ( Read more... )

joanne jefferson, alexander knox, amanda, ray stantz, guppy sandhu, peter venkman

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Comments 104

gotham_knocking March 6 2006, 14:39:02 UTC
Knox is quietly organizing his notes on an upcoming story - nothing too important today - when he hears the ghostbuster's opening line.

"OK, Stantz, I gotta ask...why do you need a lawyer?"


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 14:44:55 UTC
"I need someone who can get Lucasfilm to slap me with a restraining order or a cease and desist or something that I can show the maniac Star Wars fans who showed up on the Firehouse doorstep after the seven o'clock news showed me using a lightsaber on film," Ray says. "I didn't think there were that many! I mean, most Star Wars fans have jobs and things! They're good responsible people who can't take time off to bother a guy who made a working lightsaber!"

There's just a little bit of tremolo in his voice. Maybe if he says it enough, he'll believe it.


gotham_knocking March 6 2006, 14:46:52 UTC
"Slow down, Stantz. Maybe speak English?" Did Stantz really say lightsaber? What is with this place?


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 15:02:20 UTC
"That was English!" Ray protests. "I built a lightsaber a while ago, from scratch- designed it from the bottom up and grew the focusing and central crystals myself. I had to design the power cells from practically nothing because if I couldn't make it with twenty-first century technology then I didn't deserve to have it. It took me months. I finally managed to get all the components right and aligned the crystal properly and everything, and it switched on and worked perfectly. I've had it with me ever since, and I've had to use it once or twice on our ghostbusting runs, but last night ( ... )


amanda_darieux March 6 2006, 15:03:30 UTC
Well that outburst was certainaly enough to get Amanda out of her lathargic mood. Okay maybe not, but at least she isn't falling asleep anymore.

So she stands and walks. Her feet sem to be taking her to the source of the outburst.

"Evening Ray." yes as it is evening by her internal clock. It will take sometime to re-adjust to Milliways time. Taking a seat next to him at the bar.


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 15:04:42 UTC
Ray twitches and looks up. "Um. Hi, Amanda."


amanda_darieux March 6 2006, 15:08:24 UTC
"Longtime no see. What have ou been doing with yourself?" a bowl of fruit appears in front of her without prompting and she thanks Lady Bar. It's noce having a usual.


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 15:10:42 UTC
"Um. A couple of months in a state of advanced sleep deprivation, watching over a kid with a serious evil problem until we could get him to take back control of his own brain, then a couple of months back home with my daughter, doing my job and working with my nephews, and now hiding from the fanboys." Ray shudders. "How about you?"


guppy_sandhu March 6 2006, 15:41:14 UTC
Ray's question earns him an eying from the other side of the room.

"What's up Ray? Someone sue you for taking the wrong ghost?"


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 15:50:37 UTC
"Fanboys," Ray says. "My lightsaber showed up on the evening news and now there's a bunch of fanboys on my doorstep."


guppy_sandhu March 6 2006, 15:58:34 UTC
Guppy winces.

"Ouch. I see the problem. Is Lucas suing you?"


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 16:04:31 UTC
"I wish," Ray says. "Then maybe they'd accept that I'm not going to show them how I did it, and go away."


doc_venkman March 6 2006, 15:55:00 UTC
Peter stopped in a few minutes later so he missed the view of the crowds. He flopped in a chair by Ray.

"Look like you're having a fun day too. Ghosts getting twitchy in your neck of woods too?"


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 16:05:09 UTC
"Not the ghosts, Peter," Ray says wearily. "The fanboys. My lightsaber made the evening news."


doc_venkman March 6 2006, 16:12:15 UTC
Peter blinked, "Oh...shitballs. How bad is it looking now?"


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 16:17:44 UTC
"Every fanboy in Manhattan with nothing better to do is on the doorstep asking if I'll show them how to make one themselves." Ray rubs at his temples. "I don't mind the reporters and I don't mind the cops, but when a grown man in a Shaak Ti costume two sizes too small for him gets agitated it is not a pretty sight."


harvardbohemian March 6 2006, 15:56:11 UTC
[OOC: I couldn't resist. Slowtime inevitable around noon, but here's a lawyer. Will tag in OOM momentarily as well.]

Joanne's at a table, and looks up from a pile of paperwork, blinking, then standing, putting on her professional face, and walking over. This guy looks... strangely familiar. "Sir, I am a lawyer from New York City in 1999." She smiles, and holds out a hand. "Joanne Jefferson."


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 16:06:03 UTC
Ray looks up, smiles a bit, and shakes the woman's hand. "Pleased to meet you, ma'am," he says. "My name's Raymond Stantz. I'm from early 2006. Any chance you have experience in entertainment law?"


harvardbohemian March 6 2006, 16:14:25 UTC
"I've been working almost soley for a film production company for the past year and a half." She raises an eyebrow, expression serious. "What is the problem?"


gone_byebye March 6 2006, 16:19:09 UTC
"I sort of duplicated the hypothetical technology used in Star Wars to create a genuine working lightsaber," Ray says. "Lucasfilm hasn't called about it yet, but when they do I sort of want to talk to them about how I go about getting the fans to leave me alone. Maybe a restraining order or something, since I'm sure as hell not going to trust these people to listen to anything less."


"I mean a restraining order on me, not them. Um. I'm not really sure how these things work."


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