When you're a busy young man with your nose in administrative duties, you have a tendency to zero in on you work. Not on where you may be going. Which is why a serious-looking, tall young man in glasses walks in looking at his notepad and nothing else. He doesn't notice that he hasn't stepped into the Universal Studio headquarters in New York, not
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A long, cool drink of water in the shape of an attractive redhead appears behind Preston's shoulder with a dry smile. The telepathic pattern of 'wtf?' upon entering the bar is a fairly unmistakeable one.
It's not shameless curiosity that has Dr. Jean Grey paying a visit, she assures herself. There could be security concerns. Really.
Jean reaches over to tap him on the shoulder regardless, and repeats her question with a little more information attendent. "Impressive, isn't it? The end of the universe."
:O! There are people here! "Hi," he says. "It's...where am I?" He snaps out of his daze and hops right into an interrogation mode. As close to interrogation as a Hollywood adminstrative assistant can get.
"The bird comes gliding down resting on the back of the chair on the opposite side of the table. "Are you alright?"
Is the window talking to me? he thinks.
And doesn't he have any idea that the slightly clumsy-and-geekish ones with high-up connections are the ones (eternally) young actresses like to stick their claws into?
"Are you hurt?" asks Daisy.
"...Daisy Adair?"
Which goes to say that he's looking at her, too.
"The one and only, darling! Normally I'd offer my hand and an introduction, but evidently there's no need. Have we met?"
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