Title: The Pleasure Principle (Thirty-Four/Thirty-Five)
millionstarPairing: Belldom, AU
Rating: NC 17 overall, to be safe
Warnings: This part: language, smut.
Summary: Our boys are porn stars. Wait, why are you laughing?
Beta / Support: As always, the flawless
dolce_piccante. So much love. <3
Disclaimer: I don't own Muse, no offense intended, this never happened
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Comments 20
Poor Dom :( I hope he can figure something out with Thrace.
Lovely chapter, dear. I am so not ready for the last one D: <33333333333333333
Unless you meant the drama theme of the chapter, in which case ignore everything I just said lol. You did great! And you finished it off with cuteness, so my heart is soothed <333
This was such an exciting chapter, I had to go back and re-read cos I was reading that eagerly I was tripping over words, haha!
And I may have re-read the bit where they're in bed cos it's just perfect...
"Stay up here," he pleads, running one hand through my hair. "Don't stop kissing me."
LOVED this part, it shows how they crave each other's intimacy and is just so tender.
And I am sobbing at the thought of reading the last part...but can't wait too!
I'm so in love with these two, thanks for sharing! <33
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I'm also looking for time for a re-read for this story, it has always cheered me up, even when I've been in the happiest of moods <3
Beautifully written.
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