[ARCHIVE//YGO!, AU] “A Vampire’s Soul” (04/10)

Jun 24, 2004 20:31

Story Title: “A Vampire’s Soul” (04/10)
Genre: Fantasy/Romance/Supernatural
Rating: R
Reasons: Sexual content, language, violence
Romance Pairings: Ryou/Kat (OC), Yuugi/Yami
Summary: Ryou, a 500-year-old vampire, is but a child compared to his 3,000-year-old Sire, Bakura. Their travels have taken them to Domino City, in Japan, where a local vampire is unwilling to give up his territory to the newcomers. Posing as a High School student, Ryou finds himself falling in love with the new American transfer student. A student who happens to be mortal…
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! ain't mine. Plain and simple.
Author's Note: None.

"Foreign Language"
[Bakura Thought Speech]
/Ryou Thought Speech/
{Yami Thought Speech}
Thoughts, Stressed Words

“A Vampire’s Soul”

Chapter 04: Eternal Love

"Meet me after dark again and I'll hold you
I want nothing more than to see you there
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

If only night can hold you where I can see you, my love
Then let me never ever wake again
And maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

Somehow I know that we can't wake again from this dream
It's not real, but it's ours

Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn

Maybe tonight, we'll fly so far away
We'll be lost before the dawn…"
- "Before The Dawn" by Evanescence

A cold breeze beat against his face and tousled his hair as he stood atop the roof of a low building in Domino City. He crouched down as he saw two figures leave a nearby apartment building, one of whom he recognized. Yes… that scar on his right cheek… it was unmistakeable… two horizontal slashes, and one vertical… He wasn't quite sure how the man had obtained it, but remembered it from the day the two had met.

He growled softly and turned away from the pair of vampires below him, his nose catching an odd scent.

"Vampire," A man's voice, soft, and tenor-pitched said. "You are trespassing on the territory of another."

"Am I?" He responded, his rich, baritone-pitched voice little more than a whisper. "What's your name, Ghoul(1)?" He turned around, faced with a hooded man with gleaming light green eyes and a heavy brow.

"Rishid. I have a message from my master. You and the other two are to leave the city by dusk tomorrow or you will face Final Death."

He let out a low chuckle. "Oh? Well, I suppose your master has no idea who I am… It's out of the question. I've just moved here and I'm not about to leave because some bad-ass vampire believes he's the biggest kid on the playground. And besides… I have my eye on something very special that lives in this city…"
* * *
Ryou gently laid the woman he had found and fed off of against the wall in the alley. He'd avoided draining her completely, and now she was unconscious. He quietly murmured a memory modification spell, so that she wouldn't remember meeting him, and left to find Bakura.

"Probably got himself lost," He muttered, when he noticed that Bakura was nowhere in sight. He sighed and leaned against a lamppost. Finally, getting bored, he decided to get up and find someone else to feed off of. After all, he wasn't full yet. He was headed for the district in which Domino High was located when he ran right into someone.

"Gomen nasai," He heard a light, soprano voice say. He glance behind him and saw a familiar blond-haired head.

"Oh, wait, hey!" He said, causing her to look back at him. "Um… hi… Kat, was it? You go to my school, right?"

She looked surprised. "Um, yeah, I do… That is, if you go to Domino High, which I assume you do since you know my name…"

"Yeah." Ryou smiled at her. "I'm Ryou." He held out his hand, and she took it reluctantly.

"Kat… but you already knew that."

Ryou chuckled. "What part of America are you from?"

"Washington DC…" She hesitated, then said, "And you? What part of England are you from?"

"Oh, somewhere outside of London," Ryou said, casually. He gave Kat a good look over.

Upon closer inspection, he realised that her hair wasn't actually blond. It was, in fact, chestnut brown, with various shades of golden blond highlights. He thought he saw some red hair in there, too.

He noticed Kat was blushing. She turned away. "Can… can you stop staring at me please?"

"Oh, sorry," Ryou said, with a small laugh. "Why are you so shy?"

The blush on her face deepened. Ryou could hear her heart pounding in his head. She was nervous, anxious, even! "I… It's hard, being in a strange country… especially when you can barely speak the native tongue."

"You seem to be doing fine," Ryou said, smiling at her.

"Thanks… ah, well… I'd better be off… see ya at school…" She hurried off, into the shadows.

"Hmmm…" Ryou said, thoughtfully. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she likes me…" He smirked, although he imagined it must look more like an evil grin than anything.

* * *
Bakura growled, impatiently. "Where the bloody hell did he get off to?" He paused. "Curses, he's rubbing off on me…" He sighed, closed his eyes, then telepathically screamed, [RYOU!]

/Gah! What?/ Ryou responded, annoyed.

[Get your arse over here! We're in trouble… AGAIN!]

/Uhh… I didn't do it?/

[It's not your fault… for once. Get over here!]

/And where's 'here'?/ Ryou's telepathic voice sounded annoyed.

[By the museum. Use a transportation spell, I don't think we can afford to waste time.]

Ryou appeared beside Bakura a second after Bakura had sent the last message. "What's the problem?"

"It's nothing you did… Someone found out that we moved here. Someone who happens to be Undead and doesn't like rivals."

Ryou raised an eyebrow, looking a little surprised. "Maybe the other vampire at school?"

"I doubt it, probably someone more powerful. Someone who has a good deal of influence in the city. Damn, this isn't good…"

Ryou raised his eyebrows, but remained silent as they walked back to their apartment. Finally, he spoke up. "I've been meaning to ask you… where'd you get that scar on your cheek?"

Bakura was surprised at the question. He hesitated, then said. "I don't know. It was from when I was human. Those days are a blur to me. Only one truly stands out in my mind, and that was the day I met Atemu."

"Atemu?" Ryou asked.

"The Pharaoh in my time, and a very powerful one at that," Bakura said. "I didn't like him, and I'll spare you the details of what I did. I only remember that day because it was the last day of my life."

Ryou fell silent again. "So what exactly happened that's causing you to panic?" He asked, after several minutes of silence.

"We've been threatened with Final Death if we don't leave the city by dusk tomorrow," Bakura said, dejectedly.

"Oh, HELL, no," Ryou responded, angrily. "I am NOT leaving just because some vamp thinks he owns the place!"

"This is about that transfer student, isn't it?"

Ryou paled.

"Uh huh. I knew it. You've fallen in love," Bakura hissed.

"Have not," Ryou snapped back at him.

"You have, Ryou, whether you want to believe it or not! You've found something you truly want, and you're not about to give it up! I know the signs!"

"You act like love's an sickness!" Ryou shouted at him.

"Perhaps I think it is," Bakura said, dangerously. "The girl is MORTAL, Ryou! She'll die, and you'll be left all alone again! That's what always happens!"

Ryou gulped. "I'll Embrace her, then. If she'll let me, I'll Embrace her."

"No you won't."

"Don't you tell me what to do, you-"

"I'm saying you won't!" Bakura shouted. "You won't have the heart to do it! You'll care too fucking much to hurt her!"

Ryou was taken aback by the outburst. "I'm not leaving. I'll kill the bastard if I have to. But I am not leaving now. You can, if you're that scared, but I am not going anywhere."

Bakura calmed himself down. He sighed. "I'll stay if you are… but be careful with that girl. Someone could use her against you."
* * *
Yuugi jerked awake, having fallen asleep while doing his homework. He checked his clock. It read 1:30 AM.

"Nyergh… I'll never get this done…" He muttered, sliding his unfinished work back into his backpack. When he glanced behind himself, he saw the window to his room open. "The Hell? I didn't leave that open…" He got up and closed it. "I must be more tired than I thought…" He sighed and almost fell into bed. I dreamed about that new student, Yami… He thought, closing his eyes. Why? I barely know him. I WANT to know him, but… Why did I dream about him? A thought crossed Yuugi's mind. Am I attracted to him…? He shook the idea out of his mind. I'm tired, I don't need to be thinking about this… He slipped under the covers and quickly fell asleep again.

Several minutes later, the window rattled quietly, then opened again. A shadowy, masculine figure slipped in.

"The boy catches on quick…" A rich, deep voice said. The owner of the voice moved towards the bed, silently, and leaned over. Claws grew where his fingernails were, and his incisors grew out into inch-long fangs. He gently sank his teeth into Yuugi's neck. The boy let out a soft moan, but didn't wake. The man pulled away, his appearance returning to normal. "Sleep well, Little One…"

* * *
(1)Ghoul - A human who, after drinking a vampire's blood, becomes completely devoted to that vampire. (In case anyone's wondering, I seem to be getting several ideas for this from Vampire: The Masquerade. ^^;;;)

&format:tense:past, +warning:chaptered, +warning:alternate universe, ^story:a vampire's soul, $ship:ygo!:avs:ryou/kat, *character:ygo!:amane bakura, &format:pov:3rd person, *character:ygo!:odion ishtal, %fandom:yu-gi-oh! duel monsters, *character:ygo!:yami no yugi/atemu, *character:ygo!:ryou bakura, +warning:oc x cc romance, *character:ygo!:avs:kat o'brian, &format:narrator:3rd-omniscient, *character:ygo!:yami no bakura, -genre:urban/modern fantasy, *character:ygo!:marik ishtar, $ship:ygo!:yugi/yami (puzzleshipping), !post:archive, +warning:original characters, @type:fiction, -genre:romance (non-explicit), +warning:maleslash/yaoi/shounen-ai, *character:ygo!:yugi mutou, &format:chapter lyric tags, +warning:het/straight romance

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