[DBFS/WoD] “A Drink of Blood”

Mar 23, 2010 14:09

Title: “A Drink of Blood”
Fandom: The Dreams Born, Fears Subside Saga/Old World of Darkness
Author: darkjediprinces
Feedback: ...is of the same level of addiction to me as Kindred blood is to mortals. (Which is to say, EXTREMELY.)
Rating: PG-13/T
Word Count: 592
Prompt: Song Prompts #28: “Drink Up, Me Hearties”
Characters: Kat O’Brian, Zechiel, Kileth, Kat’s family
Summary: Zechiel finds, attacks, and Embraces Kat while the Saviours are busy fighting Zombies...
Pairings: None.
Warnings: Character death, violence
Disclaimer: I retain any and all rights to my DBFS self and her family, as well as Zechiel. Kileth belongs to Kawaii Spinel. The World of Darkness belongs to Mark Rein-Hagen and White Wolf.
Author’s Notes: I realized that Kat’s Embrace is never actually shown “on screen” in the DBFS Saga, so I decided I should write this. Short but not very sweet. Enjoy~

“A Drink of Blood”

Kat watched the snow falling outside her house in a sort of euphoric daze. She was content, lying there in her bed, watching the large, fluffy flakes of white fall from the sky. She had no idea of what was going on in the outside world; no idea that her friends were currently fighting off a hoard of zombies at that very moment, nor that the world was at risk of destruction.

She was brought out of her reverie by the sound of her black Labrador retriever, Beau, barking and growling at something downstairs, along with a crash. That Beau was barking was odd; they weren’t expecting any visitors, especially given the snow. Something spurred Kat to get to her feet, her heart pounding, and she ran down the hallway to the front stairs, pounding down them at a rapid cadence, scared out of her mind for some reason she did not comprehend.

She froze when she saw what Beau was growling at: two men, one with spiky blond hair and glowing red eyes, the other with long, straight brown hair and yellow slitted eyes. She gasped, grabbed her dog by the collar, and pulled him away from the pair, running as fast as she could while hunched over to the back of the house.

“Beau, get out of here!” she whimpered to the dog as they staggered out onto the rear deck, stumbling in the knee-deep (on her) snow. She hugged him, tears welling in her eyes. Beau stayed put, hackles still raised, body pressed against her legs.

Then the blond man seized her from behind and forced her around to face him. He thrust Beau aside when the Labrador tried to defend her.

“Hello, Katherine,” he said, leering.

Kat whimpered, avoiding his gaze. “Don’t-don’t hurt my dog... please...”

“He’s the least of your worries, honey,” the man responded with a grin, flashing sharp, pointed fangs. Then he bit down into her neck.

Kat screamed for only a second or so before she felt her heart slow, the sensation painful as Hell. She was barely conscious, wondering where her mother and sister were, when the man drew back, bit into his wrist, then forced his forearm against her mouth. Kat fought, albeit weakly, to stop the blood from flowing down her throat. She failed. The last thing she knew before sliding into blackness was agony.
* * *
Pain greeted her again when she came to; pain and an all-consuming hunger, coupled with the scent of warm blood. Her eyes flew open, and she saw only in shades of red, brightest around the figure of her younger sister seated beside her bed.

Kat lunged forward and seized her sister around the shoulders, biting into her neck. Warm liquid flowed into her mouth, and the pain faded, along with the red in her vision. She drank deeply, ecstasy filling every fibre of her being.

When she returned to herself, she saw her mother, frozen in the doorway, horrified, and her sister’s blood on her hands. Gasping, Kat leapt to her feet and catapaulted over the head of her bed and through the windows behind it, glass cutting through her flesh, and tumbled to the rear deck of the house. She landed in the snow, and was not aware that she was uninjured, despite the fact that the fall should’ve at least broken her legs.

“GET OUT!” her mother screamed through the window behind her. “DON’T EVER COME BACK!”

Tears of blood welled in Kat’s eyes. She didn’t come back. Not ever.

&format:tense:past, ~challenge:song prompts:response:fiction, *character:dbfs:kileth, %fandom:world of darkness (old), *character:dbfs:zechiel, *character:dbfs:kat o'brian, ^story:dreams born fears subside, @type:fiction, -genre:horror, &format:pov:3rd person, %fandom:crossover:multiple fandoms, -genre:gothic/dark fantasy

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