[ARCHIVE//DBFS] “Fumbled”

Sep 02, 2009 15:25

Title: “Fumbled” (1/1)
Author: darkjediprinces
Genre: Comedy
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh! and Full Metal Alchemist
Characters: Ryou Bakura, Kat O’Brian, Edward Elric
Rating: PG-13/T
Summary: A Dungeons & Dragons session goes awry.
Pairings: None
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Language.
Feedback: ...is crack.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Definitely not.
Author’s Notes: I’m in a Creative Writing class this semester, and we had an exercise where we were asked to write a paragraph or so of a story starting in the middle of trouble of some sort... ten times. I used up all of my original universes, so the last two ended up being vaguely fannish. Number IX was a DBFS short from the Saviours' high school years.


Dice clattered loudly against the wood table, settling on to one of twenty sides and displaying the number 1. Edward let out a sound of dismay. “DAMMIT!” Muttering darkly to himself, he seized the die again, and… rolled another 1.

“Ouch, fumble,” Dungeon-Master Bakura said evenly. “Your spear strike misses completely and, in the process, you trip over a rock.” His tenor-pitched, English-accented voice remained perfectly even as he said this, though a smile touched his eyes briefly. “The Bodak you were trying to hit takes an attack of opportunity and deals 4 damage.”

Edward let his head hit the surface of the table. “Great.”

Bakura smiled just a bit before gesturing to the red-head girl seated next to Edward. “Kat, you’re up.”

“And for my turn, I cast MAGIC FUCKING MISSILE! …At the Bodak Ed tried to hit,” Kat responded with a grin, and rolled her own twenty-sided die. She successfully hit said Bodak and dealt a total of 10 points of damage upon making three more rolls with a set of four-sided dice. Edward glowered at her and grumbled. She grinned unabashedly in response. “Attack Bonus for the win?”

&format:tense:past, !post:admin, +warning:oneshot, -genre:action/adventure, *character:dbfs:kat o'brian, +warning:alternate universe, ^story:dreams born fears subside, @type:fiction, +warning:original characters, -genre:comedy/humour, &format:pov:3rd person, %fandom:yu-gi-oh! duel monsters, %fandom:full metal alchemist, +warning:gen/no romance, +warning:crossover

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