Title: Speedsters and Danger Freaks
milleniumrexRating: PG-13
Characters: Bart Allen/Rose Wilson
Words: 697
Summary: Rose's latest injury brings out Bart's protective side.
Author's Notes/Warnings: Written for the prompt of "Are you kidding? (insert name here) got shot AGAIN?" for
The Summer of Cliches Fic-a-thon!. This takes place in an AU for current continuity where Bart didn't die. He's a part-time Titans member, and he and Rose are dating.
"Are you kidding? Rose got shot AGAIN?"
Tim held the phone away from his ear as Bart shouted. "Don't yell at me, man. I wasn't even on that mission. But yeah, she's coming out of the medlab right now. Looks relatively minor. You can come see her if you - "
Tim could swear he could feel the wind coming through the phone as he heard Bart race off.
Rose groaned as she tried to get comfortable on the bed. It had seemed like such a simple mission, too - take out three robbers and free the hostages. She had to get cocky, of course, and that's why she had a bullet hole in her leg and a cracked fibula. She wondered if she could talk Eddie into scoring her a bottle of painkillers. The tylenol Cyborg provided her with just wasn't strong enough.
Rose was knocked out of her thoughts as a gust of wind swept into the room.
Rose laughed, smiling for the first time since she saw she was bleeding back at the bank. "Slow down, Bart. I'm fine. Kinda."
Bart eyed the cast on Rose's leg, propped up on a stack of pillows. "You don't look okay."
"That? Eh. It's just chipped or something. I'm a fast healer."
"What happened, Rose? I mean, you've been getting hurt a lot lately."
"Well...I kind of tried to race the bullet." Rose admitted sheepishly.
"Race the bullet? You're not me, Rose. You can't outrun them."
"Okay, I didn't so much race it as try to see if I could get to the guy firing it before the bullet got to me. I guess we can call it a tie, but looking at his face when I was done with him, I'd say I won."
Bart sat down at the foot of the bed. "Damn, Rose, you've got to be more careful. I can't stand seeing you hurt, and it seems like you're visiting the medlab after every other mission these days."
"Last time was just three stitches. No big deal. The time before, it was only a suspected concussion. This...well, my luck had to run out sometimes."
"Just...just promise me you'll try, okay? I don't want to see you hurt anymore."
"Okay." Rose looked away. "You know, I probably wouldn't get hurt so much if you were there to protect me."
"Rose...you're not trying to get hurt so I'll come back to the team, are you?"
Rose shrugged. "No. I'm not crazy. But...maybe I am taking a few more risks. This team's kind of boring without you, and throwing myself into danger brings a little bit of that fun back."
"I'm still a Titan, Rose. Just part-time."
"I know. But I live here, and you're all the way in LA. And not all of us are speedsters. I miss you, that's all."
Rose reached over and played with Bart's hair, tousling it into a more unruly design. She always did like his hair better that way, she thought.
"Tell you what, Rose. If you promise to be a little more careful, I'll promise to make sure I'm over here more often. Deal?"
Rose smiled slyly. "I guess I can swing that. As long as it doesn't hurt my 'hurting bad guys' rate."
"Promise. Now, you sure there's nothing I can get you? Food? Drink? Boyfriend in the bed?"
Rose's face turned to a deep pout. "Well...my foot is itching really bad under the cast. I'm half-tempted to stick a blade under there, but that might be a bad idea. I was hoping you could work your magic, maybe?"
Bart raised his hand, vibrating it until it turned intangible, and used it to scratch Rose's foot. She sighed with relief.
"The magic fingers of Bart Allen. Want to put those to an even better use?"
Rose motioned Bart over to the bed. As he crawled in next to her, she closed her eyes and sighed contently. Her Impulse was right where he belonged.