Title: Three Halves Characters/Pairing: Jason Todd/Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown Rating: PG-13 Words: 584 Summary: Jason and Steph come to an understanding Author's Notes: Written for greeneyelove's Threesomes...Or More!!! Challenge
Yes, Jason, Cass, and Steph do make an excellent threesome and as some stories have made clear, Jason and Steph would make an excellent pairing, if not necessarily romantically speaking. But, they both love Cass and Cass loves them both, and that's good enough. Looking forward to how the three of them will raise the baby . . . and if any of them will have to intimidate some nosy or self-righteous mothers when their kid starts going to school and those mothers comment on her (or his) parentage.
Comments 16
And thanks!
And thanks for reading!
I really loved writing this, so I'm glad everyone else seems to have enjoyed it too. :)
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