Title: Five Times Finn Hudson Thinks Kurt Hummel is Cute (and One Time He Says it to Kurt) Fandom: Glee Pairing: Finn Hudson/Kurt Hummel Author: milky_haven aka Atsu Tenshi
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heya! this was.. well, cute. and sweet. and entirely awesome for Finn/Kurt participation.
I'd love to offer my beta services, but be aware it may take a day or two to get stuff back to you (real life always interferes) but grammer, spelling and the like is my strong point. If you're interested, my email is whwolfhowls@hotmail.com , and i'd be more than willing to buffer your pieces. especially for Glee fic.
Since you're the first person to offer your service, I'll be posting this fic to you asap. You may take your time unless you need one week or more, you need to inform me earlier. =)
Are you using window Vista? My doc can only be open with the same window. Or I'll just copy and paste this fic in my email and post it to you. I can't wait to get rid of vista!
Oh, and one more thing, I'll be very happy if you can share some ideas with me! Throw me the bunnies and see if I can bounce them around lol
do you use .doc (microsoft Word 97 or higher?) or even word processor? as long as it can be those two programs, or even base word pad, i can open well enough. as for this one, i'll just copy and paste off the IE window, and email you the finished copy. just let me know what format you use with ease, and i'll try to accomodate.
Yeah I'll let you copy and paste from the IE window. So when you're done, just sent to briefhobits37@yahoo.co.uk
My laptop is microsoft 2007. But my other computer is using microsoft XP and that one is compatible with every windows. I might use that one or even word pad. I'm sure that will work =) Thanks, again!
Thank you soooo much! I'm glad there are still people reading this old fic of mine. Since this is my first Glee fic, it has always been special to me. =)
Comments 11
I'd love to offer my beta services, but be aware it may take a day or two to get stuff back to you (real life always interferes) but grammer, spelling and the like is my strong point. If you're interested, my email is whwolfhowls@hotmail.com , and i'd be more than willing to buffer your pieces. especially for Glee fic.
Since you're the first person to offer your service, I'll be posting this fic to you asap. You may take your time unless you need one week or more, you need to inform me earlier. =)
Are you using window Vista? My doc can only be open with the same window. Or I'll just copy and paste this fic in my email and post it to you. I can't wait to get rid of vista!
Oh, and one more thing, I'll be very happy if you can share some ideas with me! Throw me the bunnies and see if I can bounce them around lol
My laptop is microsoft 2007. But my other computer is using microsoft XP and that one is compatible with every windows. I might use that one or even word pad. I'm sure that will work =)
Thanks, again!
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These are all so cute and just guuuuhhhh
I can't ask for a better review than that. Thank you so much!
Someone has already offer to beta my fic but if you don't mind, if the other isn't available, I'll get to you. =)
Wonderful, simply wonderful. Highly sweet and I <3.
Ditto! =)
Thank you, sweetie!
seriously, I liked it very much!!! :DD
Finn's always stupidly adorable *-*
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