Title: That Binds Them
milky_haven aka Atsu Tenshi
Pairing: Yagami Raito/L
Fandom: Death Note
Theme: #60 Chains; bonds
Rating: PG-13 (for hinted slash)
Disclaimer: All of the Death Note characters are Obata-sensei’s masterpiece.
Raito/L One-shot: That Binds Them )
Comments 10
Anyway, nice piece!
By the way, thank you so much for your review! ^___________________^
Glad you enjoy it!
With Raito as evil Frodo and the other stupid hobbitses as Matsuda, Mogi and co. eg. XD
And the Note calls out to everyone especially Boromir = L XD
or something like this! XD
One Death Note to rule them all
one Death Note to bind them
I'll beta for you if you want.
Sure! I would be glad if you beta this piece first, That Binds Them. When can you start? ::goes hyper::
And give me your email please *___________________* ::is so happy::
And I'm starting now.
a bit nitpicky thou..
What did L possessed that she did not?
should be "possess" and not "possessed"
amusing thou. =]
Ooops... thanks for the correction. ;p
I think my beta missed it. ::goes edit it::
ps// I love your L icon! ::squeals::
I bet they cant wait til she leaves *g*
(I was looking up DN fic, thats how I found you...in case you are wondering)
Akasha Elfwitch ^V^
Well, I am quite proud of myself that people still read my old fic. But I am proudest to those who reviews it *grins*
Thanks and glad you enjoy it! *hugs*
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