Read this for reference I had a... close encounter this afternoon at the office. Suffice it to say that I made a complaint and matters resolved themselves. Still, when I returned home my mood was a bit elevated, to the point where I did something I'm not sure I should have. And yet... I don't regret it.
Not a bit.
November 19, 2019
What's he talking about? )
Comments 7
And speaking about meeting new people... You haven't happened to meet Prosecutor Klavier Gavin yet, have you?
As for Gavin, we've made ourselves acquainted.
You know I've haven't been living back here until recently as well. I haven't really liked many of the new people I've met either. >T But, I am happy to hear that you're back~~
Perhaps we should have lunch sometime, how is your sister?
And Lana is doing much better now. Thank you for asking, Mr. Edgeworth. You're so thoughtful~
[[OOC: Oh god, sounding like a desperate fangirl much? XD;;; ]]
Well, perhaps next week would be best, being as it's a holiday.
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