We share like, what, four fandoms? *checks the list on the sidebar* A pleasant surprise, that.
But the initial reason of why I am making with the humble pokety-poking of you is because I'm a hopeless Asucaga fan. Hopeless and desperate for the raburabu.
So, might I friend you? (My journal is also FO, so I may friend you just so you can see what kind of madness you're getting yourself into. >__> If you find you've got strong objections, let me know and I'll defriend upon command.)
Hello, nice to meet you. ^^ Whee, another Asucaga fan! I love running into people who are into the same stuff I'm into, so I'm definitely friending back. My posts are 90% fangirly though, so if I get too annoying, feel free to defriend. XD
Comments 142
just wanted to say thanks for your kind words of encouragement and sympathy.
Now i just have to get over my slump and enjoy life >O
I really don't know what to say.. ^^;;
80% of my posts are fangirly and not much different from my other lj, so apologies in advance if I get on your nerves after some time. ^^
(And I already added you. XD)
I really like your fanfic and am I huge Athcaga fan...I've added you to my friends list...please friend back?
We share like, what, four fandoms? *checks the list on the sidebar* A pleasant surprise, that.
But the initial reason of why I am making with the humble pokety-poking of you is because I'm a hopeless Asucaga fan. Hopeless and desperate for the raburabu.
So, might I friend you? (My journal is also FO, so I may friend you just so you can see what kind of madness you're getting yourself into. >__> If you find you've got strong objections, let me know and I'll defriend upon command.)
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