Title: Catch the Sun Disclaimer: Don't own. Fandom: Death Note Pairing: Matt/Mello, sort of one-sided Matt/Misa, Matt/Ridner Rating: PG-13 Notes: Someday, I will make an icon of Matt and Mello and text it with bloody oral fixation, dammit.
Title: Building Empires Disclaimer: Don't own. Fandom: Prince of Tennis Characters: Atobe, Kabaji Rating: PG Notes: Huh. Seems like it's a day to be productive.
Title: Ink Stains Disclaimer: Don't own. Fandom: Prince of Tennis Pairing: YanaKiri Rating: PG-13 Notes: .....Okay, now I'm just worrying I'm making Yanagi and Kirihara too sweet, wtf.
Title: As The Crow Flies Disclaimer: Don't own. Fandom: Prince of Tennis Pairing: OshiGaku Rating: PG-13 Notes: It's been awhile. *g* Go see the art because it's all based off her. ♥ And if I'm snagging Mukahi's tattoo from what I used for the Yakuza RP so long back, well. Love you, Oujichama.