I meant to update last night but I ate dinner and promptly passed out. So, here we go! I'm surprised I've actually updated to this far. I'm so proud of myself. XD This is also the longest update to date (I believe) so, prepare yourself for 94 pictures! XD Also, I apologize if you saw the post previous to this one where I was editing the pics with comments and such. The whole thing is complete now, if you'd like to take a gander.
We start this update with Skye growing up!!!! Is it just me or does it look that mole is trying to devour his face? Besides that, though, he is ridiculously handsome. XD
And Shiva too! And OMFG SHE'S AMAZING LOOKING!!! I love that she's a perfect mix between both her parents instead of just looking like one or the other.
GAH! *tackleglomps Safari* Could you BE any cuter in your cat burglar outfit?!
Safari: No. Pfft! You so stupid!
Sunshine is a ridiculously nice older sister to Shiva. Not sure why, though. Apparently, she decided to stop eating her younger siblings pain for breakfast and live up to her name.
Here's Skye after a makeover where the face-eating mole is gone. I still have no damn idea where the red hair came from but, still, darling.
I forgot that people needed sleep before work so here's Safari reaping the rewards of my failure!!!
She wakes up in time to receive a SkyeHUG!!!(tm). She is much pleased by this. XD
WTF, Sunshine?!!! Weren't you JUST a mean, little bitch?! Did teenage-hood make you a pussy?!
MORE HUGS! I swear, everyone worships Safari coming home. Maybe they love the fact she wants to be a Criminal Mastermind. Or all the money she's bringing home. *contemplates*
Skye is shocked! Why?
BECAUSE SUNSHINE HAS LOST HER MIND!!! There's the rage you've been hiding for so long. Nice to see it again. XD
Skye, sweetie? YOU ARE NOT HELPING!!
Sin looks almost offended by this display of affection. So do I.
NAP! Nevermind that her bed is literally five steps away but, you know, whatever.
I think Skye was being scolded by his sister. Exsqueezeme?! How dare thee?
Whoa! Sin growed up! I would like to thank Maxis for the skanky trash outfit they bestowed on her.
After a makeover!! She is more punk than you! Even with her shiny, justcamebackfromthebeautyshop hair! EAT IT!
Dweaming of mommy! CUTE!
That counter made me almost puke when I saw it dirty. Thank god Sin noticed and took her moment to show off her ginormous amount of cleaning points.
And why is Sunshine so annoyed? What could cause her Royal Bitch-ness to emerge once more in all its glory?
VIDEO GAMES!!! Come on, people! OBVIOUSLY!!!
GotoschoolgotoschoolGOTOSCHOOL!!!!! I hate when they just stand there getting in each other's way like, "durrrrrrrrr!"
Hey, you! Please to be in my legacy later? Kthxbai!
You are the cuteness! I heart you, teenage manmeat.
Oh yes, yes I do heart you.
Why do I insist on giving into the MP3 player want? Oh! So I can spam you all!
This would be even more adorable if it were NOT in the snow and she DIDN'T almost freeze. Otherwise, rock on, Sin, rock on.
Sin got a more fitting punk hairstyle. Now, all she needs is to learn what the hell being punk actually means. Such as NOT wearing pink lipgloss.
She invited over Teenage Manmeat (TMM for short). She wants love and kisses, he wants... not much to do with her. So, I boolpropped him and checked out his turn-ons. Swimsuits and perfume, you say? Well, I have no perfume but....
And it's official: Sin rhymes with "win" for a reason. XD
Shiva and Skye, disgusted by Sin and TMM's date promptly GTFO.
Sin: Want me!
I guess he misheard her and thought she said, "noogie me". They VAGUELY sound the same. *cough*
For the longest time I could NOT find Sin's homework until I went to fix a wall and noticed it hiding outside. SUFFER FOR YOUR MISTAKE, SIN!
Sin: Why did you take this picture of me?
A random pic of an outing. Unfortunately, my computer suffered horribly and the lighting hack I was using made everything so dark that I couldn't take ANY pics. *cries* And it was so cute, too. :-(
Is that what I think it is on Sunshine's lovely face?
YES! PIMPLES!!!!! I've never had a sim before who had pimples! My life is now complete. XD
Sin: Hmmmm, I see. So you want to follow me around in an obsessive manner. How would this work?
Skye: Like this!
Looking hot, Jeff. Very hot. *vomits*
A+, baby!!!
And what's with that smile Shiva? Good news too?
A+, bitches!!!
OMG! Snowangel!!!!! *hearts Skye*
Yes. This is appropriate for winter. Quite appropriate.
Sin: And this picture of me. Why? Could you not do that please? It's creeping me out.
Because hanging out with your dad while your sister stares on stupidly is all the rage! I hear it's what the cool kids do. *nods*
You indeed rock hardcore, Sunshine. Just like your mom.
Sin: Here's the cellphone and MP3 player you keep bugging our sim god about! Enjoy!
I almost killed this cat! I wanted Sunshine to adopt it but quickly changed my mind after it proceeded to almost destroy everything in their home.
I don't know who built this but it creeps me out that he's back. It's like he actually has something evil planned. *is afraid*
Skye looks so pretty in the water. Even if the pool makes my game cry blood.
Ummmmmmmmm, WTF Sunshine? WTF?
LOL! Jeff got fat. His new nickname is "Tons of Fun" or TOF, for short.
Yeah, we get it Skye. Would you like an award for this or what?
This picture is OBVIOUSLY full of meaning. I just... have no idea what it was. *cough*
Jeff got fit! R.I.P. TOF.
WHY DO I FAIL SO HARD?!!!!! Luckily, I have InSim. Ha! HA!!!!!! My founder WILL be getting her job back! SCREW YOU, CHANCE CARD!
To Sin, listening to the MP3 player in the kitchen = serious business!
Safari decided, randomly, to write about a garden gnome that no one she knows has. Senile already and not even an elder? Awesome!
Safari: OMFGWTFBBG!!! Sunshine must never know my deepest secrets!
Such as, you know, the one where you have a garden gnome that I don't know about?
Sin decides failing is the new pink.
And then she decides that dancing, like listening to MP3 players in kitchens, is serious business, ya'll!
Jeff: *impressed*
Skye: *laughs*
Shiva grows up! And decides to become a prostitute. Awesome!
Skye grows up too! He decided to become his twin sister's raver pimp. It's how the Stonewaters roll, yo. XD
Shiva after a makeover. She is so gorgeous I want to make her real and marry her.
Skye after a- GAH! WHAT HAVE I DONE???!!!! He looked MUCH better in game. Sorry for that, Skye.
Either he saw his face or he's watching TV. You decide.
Shiva: GTFO the computer so I can turn it off!
Shiva: Bye sis!
Safari: *stalks*
And off to college you go, Sunshine! We'll see you next update! XD
Jeff: *scolds* You rot in hell for breaking the computer! ROT!
Sin: Hoh yeah, bitches. Off I go! Feel free to follow my awesomeness out the door.
Next update will be the college years and the official start of the 2nd generation. Up to now, I thought I had it figured out who the heir was but, yup! College made me change my mind so, yeah. XD Also, stats will be up next time, for the heir at least. XD Comments appreciated as always and I hope you enjoyed. I leave you with more pic spam because, once I moved the heir home after college, they moved. XD
The kitchen one last time.
Front hallway.
More of the front hallway/laundry area.
Another random kitchen shot.
Elder bedroom!
Downstairs bathroom.
Another view of the front hallway.