I apologize in advance for the massive slip in my already inept picture taking efforts. It improves at the end, if only because I remember about it but, otherwise, I was too busy trying to keep everyone alive and the children from being taken. Sorry. :-( Also, I'm experimenting with my writing style so that everything flows out of me more naturally. Because of that, there's very little cursing so the only real warning I have is that there are about 100 and something pics and they're bigger than usual (I was experimenting with size).
That's all.
Last update: Castor died right as Samantha Ottomas had his babies and I decided getting Sabra pregnant again was a good idea. Yeah, it practically wasn't.
We start this update with both a massive picture and me moving Samantha out. While I want to see her and Castor's babies grow up, this will have to be done elsewhere. Expect an update of how her kids/life turns out later.
Bye Samantha. You were annoying at times but I love ya. See you soon, sweetie. XD
Here, the pictures return to the size I'm experimenting with. And there's that no pause line that I didn't notice when I was batch editing my pictures. *headdesk* Ah well.
In other news, Sabra has been pregnant forever. I think she's trying to destroy my soul.
Preston: Ha! Take that, daddy.
Christian: Yarg! Why?!
Feeding a baby + playing with him afterwards = general messiness all around.
Seriously, Sabra! You have been pregnant for far too long. Please have these kids so you regain some sort of sense again.
Christian decides to jump almost directly into the fire. Why do sims do this? I don't see fire and decide "LOL! I'm going to jump into it and freak out!"
If I had a husband, I would totally serenade him in the bathroom too.
She's freaking out. Can't you tell?!
She literally shows NO emotion at almost all times. I don't understand.
This is always cute. No, seriously.
There is no chance of this happening ever, just FYI.
Finally! Could it have taken longer for you to have these babies?
Sabra: Hold that, sweetie, while I aifiosjadfioasjdfoijasdfoijasodfijadfoiadf!!!!
Christian: K! *stares at wall*
Then Sabra decided to glitch all over the hallway. I named him Breach. XD
His twin brother is named Scarab.
The action says: "YAY!!! I GOT AN A+!!!"
The face says: "My life is a neverending pit of despair."
Emo much?
And here's where I miss the hack that allows toddlers to get out of their own cribs. Why exactly did I get rid of the toddler blankets again?
Sabra chose the perfect time to cheer for Subtle's A+, don't you think?
There are not many things in the world that is cuter than this interaction. Even better when it's to my custom radio station "Booty bumpin beats". XD
Finally! Now I can practically not have to do a damn thing for you.
Stop! We interrupt this typical birthday for a shot of hell freezing over. Sabra but Scarab in the crib without me saying a word. It caused a tear to come to my eye.
And now back to your regularly scheduled birthday.
Hi Preston! I think he's pretty like a girl cute.
This is where Breach spends most of his babyhood. Scarab is almost ALWAYS put in his crib. No, I didn't understand it either.
He's always running to the bus. There's something about this kid that is just backwards.
I could not love Free Time enough, if only because of these two items. Everything else is really just icing on the cake for me.
This girl...
...and this girl can join my legacy any time.
Gasp! Is that ACTUAL emotion I see? A smile? Well, I'll be damned!
Subtle: Please don't talk to me, I'm contemplating the endless void that is my existence.
This girl was smart. She decided to amuse herself rather than talk to the crazy redheaded child.
Don't be scared of the ballet bar thingie, Preston. It wants to be your friend.
Preston: But new things are scary!!! What if it eats me?
More birthdays. I sent Scarab to grow up first and than felt bad for following the trend of ignoring Breach's existance.
Hello hair that I hate on toddlers!
Here's Breach but check this out.
I forgot to take a picture of his transition because I was too busy focusing on Preston's makeoever! I am such a bad simmer, I really am.
But I couldn't help it, really.
I think Preston is ridiculously awesome.
Here's Breach, finally. His genetics confuse me but I like them.
I sent Santiago and HB to get toddler clothes and this is what they decide to do instead. I have remarkable control over my sims at all times, can't you tell?
Well, hello Jeff's facial template!
I decided to take Breach out of the pimp suit. If only because it's a little early for him to be keeping his pimp hand strong.
And here's Scarab without 5 pounds of hair in his face. Life is now complete.
Christian had better get used to this. I want whatever this thing can make for me.
Sabra lovingly teaches Scarab a nursery rhyme...
...while Santiago begrudingly teaches Breach the same thing. No, seriously. Everyone rolled wants for Scarab and could've cared less for Breach. It's the name, isn't it?
But Breach is so adorable! He's eating a crayon and possibly giving himself some sort of wax-related poisoning. How is that not cute?!
I like her. I will keep her in mind for later down the Stonewater line.
It turns out Sabra's preferred hobby is sports. She amazingly kicks all ass at it.
Subtle: This video game has made me suffer terribly.
What now? And then she rolled a very mysterious want.
She rolled the want to see the ghost of Preston. Then I checked her relationship panel.
-72? When did this even happen? So it was no surprise when the shit hit the fan.
Subtle: SUBTLE SMASH! *shows emotion*
Preston: I'm sorry, what? But sis...
Way to show an obvious bias, Sabra.
We interrupt "Death Match: Child Edition" with an unexpected incident from tonight's edition of "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY??!!!":
(What's with the money symbol over his head? Are the aliens paying him for this cameo?)
Addition to pop-up: "And, LOL, yeah, you're about to be probed in ways you've never been probed before (unless you actually went to the prostate exam you had scheduled last saturday than it's kinda like that only worse and with an unexpected surprise at the end). That service is free, though. We're not allowed to legally pay you for that."
We now return you to "Death Match: Child Edition", already almost concluded.
The fight ended during the abduction. Suffice it to say, Subtle had her ass handed to her.
Then nothing at all happened till:
I can only imagine the gigglefits the entire Maxis crew had when they created this cinematic. More than likely, they laughed for days and days. Just like I do.
And here's what happens when an abductee comes home to a family with a combined total of 7 nice points. Sabra didn't even come outside. The love, it is strong in this family.
The house disappears amidst round two of Subtle's hate fest.
Shouldn't you win these fights, Subtle? After all, you're the one starting them.
I actually only put this picture here because I'm in love with it. The lighting changes in Seasons sometimes randomly amazes me. Strange of me, probably, but I can't help it.
Hello, Castor! I miss you dearly, sweetheart.
Sabra: Ugh! It's like there's something crawling around in my insides!
*stares for 50 years* Why, exactly, did I reinstall ACR? *cries* She needed no more babies! Four is MORE than enough. *emos*
I didn't know kids could use this table too! Thanks Free Time!
I'm... sorry? I can't tell if she's upset or not. Show emotion for crying out loud!
I moved the ballet bar thingy into the hallway and HB discovered its existence. The whole time I couldn't help but to think "but he's old! He'll hurt his knees!" My own ridiculousness astounds me.
Round three. Apparently, HB and Santiago want Subtle to actually, you know, when a fight she's started.
Subtle: And take that! Eat it and wear it around!
Preston: This bitch is starting to annoy me.
This is Subtle's angry face. No, I don't get it either.
Ummm, could you let your grandfather do his business in peace?
You could always leave the room, then. It's not like you HAVE to look.
At first I thought the abduction didn't take and I rejoiced. But, obviously, I couldn't have been more wrong.
Two smelly AND cranky toddlers? My lucky day has finally arrived, everyone.
Sabra: Woah! What the hell is this?
Thanks again, ACR! No, really.
Pee. Somewhere. Else!
Yay! Someone else to help with all the babies!
Not bad at all. And, can I tell you? I'm STILL ecstatic to have a redheaded Stonewater. Thanks, Christian.
What is this nonsense? Okay, Subtle, whatever you say.
Subtle: There's just something about this cake that really grinds my gears.
With teenagehood comes the emotions. Finally!
And here's where I move the Stonewaters to a new house that took me almost an entire weekend to build. It lags like hell but it houses everyone so you have to take the good with the bad, I guess.
Preston: I can't wait till I'm a teenager and can kick my sister's ass.
Be patient, sweetie, it's not much longer now.
She's an autonomous painter, too. She and Atlanta Taymor should start a club.
I suck at makeovers sometimes. Especially when I'm impatient and don't want to go through the 50 bajillion female hairs I have. Sorry Subtle.
Christian: Oh god! Gotta hurl!
Pregnant sim guys always have it harder, it seems.
There must be crack in the piano. As soon as I get one person off it, another person just HAS to be on it.
I gave Subtle another makeover. I like it far more than I should ever like a makeover.
It won't stop being cute, folks. I mean it.
Neither will this. XD
First birthday in the new house! And I purposefully made sure Breach was first this time.
Subtle: Wooooooooo! Yeah! *TOOT!*
Preston: *cuts off head with custom cabinentry*
All was well...
...till daddy had to pop and make my camera swing SLOWLY all the way across the house, hogging the spotlight. I can't help but to think this was on purpose.
I just like his face. I'll have to see how it looks during the teenage years.
Preston: The hate! It burns!
Subtle: *remains unaware*
I'm so biased with first borns. Even when I strive not to be. *loves Subtle*
This is all they do most of the day, go on and on about how Samantha had a falling out with her husband.
Scarab finally aged. And without a cake. Yeah, I pretty much forgot about him, what with two pregnant idiots stumbling around and almost dying.
I love when the boys play with the dollhouses. No, I'm not sure why.
Breach gets his makeover. His overjoyment is ADORABLE!
It's here where I realized he's pretty much Sabra in boy form. I almost can't wait to see him older.
And as if this update needed MORE picspam:
I'm surprised she didn't fail since I was pretty sure she would. And check out the underground double garage I built. Yes, it took forever to build, glad you asked.
I just like this hair. He didn't even need the makeover.
No, seriously. Keeping Breach from starving is practically impossible now that he's found the piano.
She's preparing herself for when Preston becomes a teen. No more losing for her, nosireebob!
And Preston remains blissfully unaware as he decides to chomp on cake instead of the freshly made cheeseburger sitting right next to him. But, to be honest, I can't honestly tell which one would be better for him.
That's all for this update. Hopefully next update will include lots of children growing up and getting out of the house. Taking care of eight sims is already bad enough. O.o