Reverse Bang: Not All Sunshine and Rainbows!

Nov 06, 2010 00:25

Art Prompt Title: 1064
Artist: miki_moo
Fic link: Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
Author: toolazytowork
Pairing/Genre: Gen /Spn
Rating: pg

Original prompt:

After reading the rough draft of toolazytowork's fic, i was inspired to do more art, the story was great, also it was about unicorns. This was a surprise, but an awesome one! I got in touch with my sadistic inner 12 year old, and I had a blast coming up with these pics! Seriously toolazytowork's fic is original, ture to both the characters and the spirit of the show and its fun! Thanks dude! I have thoroughly enjoyed myself!

Special thanks to maiafire who gave me support and feed back and who was bombarded with pics of unicorns in varying stages of uniconification. You are full of awesome.
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