Title: 100 Moments in the Lives of Arthur & Guinevere
Pairing: Arwen
Rating: T, or PG-13 to be safe
Genre: General/Romance
Summary: One hundred sentences describing different moments in their lives over the course of their relationship. Just my interpretation of how some key moments would occur in the show if it were to go that far. 10 chapters, 10 moments a chapter.
Moments 41-50
41. Disregard
She'd been so overjoyed that he'd survived his confrontation with Mordred that she ran to him and kissed him full on the lips in front of his father and the entire royal court.
42. Hobby
She sat in his lap with her head against his warm chest and pressed her toe against his calf, signaling for him to turn to the next page.
43. Hypnotic
When he'd said her name with that sexy lilt back in Ealdor, she knew there was no hope for her.
44. Phobia
Arthur's wife and daughter clutched his shirt and cowered behind him as he valiantly slayed the mighty spider with little effort.
45. Play
Merlin returned from the market to find Gwen and Arthur laughing raucously, completely covered in flour, eggs, and tomatoes.
46. Protective
After he barged into her home for the umpteenth time, Arthur took it upon himself to install a new lock on Gwen's door despite her protests.
47. Revenge
He made her laugh so hard that she snorted (like a pig) much to his satisfaction.
48. Rough
"I'll get you a new one," he said, kissing her bare back as she glanced forlornly at the torn yellow dress beside the bed.
49. Spirit
He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he only let Gwen help him with his armor before battle so that he could feel the ghost of her touch against his skin while he fought.
50. Surprises
She loved how he leave notes in her books for her to find days, weeks, and sometimes years later.
Half-way there!