Activity Log
-12.18.07 -
Joined, got Traitor18, Chosen10, Idiot15, Necro11, Ginryuu11, Pokedex18, Abyssinian07, Heartless19, Chemist15, SOS05
-12.18.07 -
Updated Page got Advisor08, Revenge16
-12.23.07 -
Exchanged Advisor08, Revenge16 for Sketch20, Bang18
-12.23.07 -
Claimed Wishes13, Money09 for Submitting at
talesof_awards-12.23.07 -
Claimed Sinner01 for Voting at
talesof_awards-12.25.07 -
X-mas Event got Pokedex87, Normal08, Money15, Wishes02, Pokedex116, Whip14, Light01, 10th13, Sakujo08, Moon20, Liek12, Positive05, Necro05, Archer19, Beloved03, Idiot02, Hyotei03, Mafia07, Bure05
-12.27.07 -
Claimed Airhead08, Abyssinian04, Coffee13 for Voting
animelims-12.31.07 -
Exchanged Hyotei03 for Branch01
-1.1.08 -
Claimed one C-cert, Ougi03, Booty02 for Voting at
talesof_battle-1.1.08 -
Claimed Kendama06 for winning Special Category at
talesof_awards-1.1.08 -
Claimed Clow08, Plushie20, Revenge11 for Submitting at
talesof_awards-1.1.08 -
Claimed Normal09 for Voting at
xxxholic_still-1.1.08 -
Claimed Clow33, Persocom03, and Crossover13 for Voting in
videogame_lims-1.3.08 -
Claimed Time04 for Voting in
sesshy_icontest-1.5.08 -
Claimed Ashes16 for Voting in
faicontest-1.5.08 -
Leveled Up got Beast11, Second11 and one C-cert
-1.6.08 -
Claimed Cynic16 and Dies18 for Voting in
faicontest-1.6.08 -
Certed One C-cert for Kendama11
-1.6.08 -
Claimed Coffee11, Beloved10, Swallow01, and Heist19 for Voting in
talesof_battle-1.7.08 -
Claimed Pride05, April18, Lancelot03, Lunar03, and Protect02 for Submitting and Voting in
talesof_awards-1.8.08 -
Certed One C-cert for White01
-1.9.09 -
Exchanged Bure05 for Idiot09
-1.9.09 -
Claimed Idiot13, Kendama19, Job17, Moon03 for Voting in
icon_tournament-1.9.09 -
Claimed Virtue11, Pokedex52, Beast20 for Voting in
videogame_lims-1.9.08 -
Claimed Dragon03 for Voting in
xxxholic_still-1.9.08 -
Claimed Protect07, Firearm13, Cheezburger09 for Voting in
the_lbms-1.10.08 -
Mastered Idiot got Hostess01, Sister03 Traitor09, Traitor10
-1.13.08 -
No-cert Idiot got Badge, Unsent15, Chemist18, Rekka05, Traitor13, Traitor14 and Ougi10
-1.14.08 -
Claimed Pyro13, Madamada03, Noble05, Half05 for Voting in
talesof_battle-1.14.08 -
Claimed Gemini09, Materia07, Pokedex18, Loveless09 for Submitting to
talesof_awards-1.15.08 -
Claimed Sword13, Puzzle11 for voting in
faicontest-1.16.08 -
Exchanged Crossover13 for Traitor12
-1.16.08 -
Claimed Logic11 for Voting in
seed_chorus-1.17.08 -
Claimed Traitor05, Materia10, Dynames10, 13th18 for Voting in
icon_tournament-1.18.08 -
Certed 2 C-certs for Clow07 and Clow11
-1.20.08 -
Reached 50 Trades and recieved one A-cert, Unsent12, Flower17
-1.20.08 -
Claimed Fuku05 and one C-cert for Voting in
animelims-1.20.08 -
Claimed 13th04, Broom06, Berry02, Revenge08 for Voting in
talesof_battle-1.20.08 -
Claimed Switch12, Esper16 for Voting in
talesof_battle-1.23.08 -
Claimed Pokedex81 for Voting in
sesshy_icontest-1.23.08 -
Leveled Up and Recieved 1 C-cert, Clow12, Bang03, and Boots16
-1.23.08 -
Mastered Traitor and Recieved the badge, Lunar05, Archer16, Seal10 and Seal11
-1.24.08 -
No-cert Master Traitor got Badge Ougi07, Cynic19, Pizza01
-1.24.08 -
Cert Redemption of 1 A-cert and 1 C-cert for 3 C-certs and Resist07
-1.24.08 -
Card Exchange Fuku05 for Seal19
-1.25.08 -
Claimed Persocom04 for Voting in
kouga_stills-1.25.08 -
Claimed Souen16 for Voting in
faicontest-1.25.08 -
Claimed Bang14 for Voting in
hc_icontest-1.25.08 - Claimed Beloved12 for Voting in
seed_chorus---below is the backlog -- too lazy to link since I have 24 emails to sort through, but it's there if you check claims--
-1.31.08 - Claimed Rookie18 for voting in
kkm_itest-1.31.08 - Claimed Seal08, Bure07, Zero20, Judge18 for Voting in
icon_tournament-1.31.08 - Claimed Eye05 for Voting in
tenipuricon-1.31.08 - Claimed Plan12 for Voting in
kingdom_chorus-1.31.08 - Claimed Maou06, Unsent05, Siberian18, Phobia03 for Submitting to
talesof_awards Contribution Counter (minus placing): 30
Trade Log
-12.18.07 -
Traded, Pokedex18 and Chemist15 for Traitor03 and Traitor08 with
enacting-12.19.07 -
Traded Ginryuu12 for Idiot01 with
saluchna-12.19.07 -
Traded Abyssinian07 for Seal06 with
rashiea at
rashuko-12.20.07 -
Traded Necro11 for Seal02 with
mobiuswolf -12.20.07 -
Traded Heartless19 for Chosen19 with
ryuuseistar -12.22.07 -
Given Kendama07 by
kaorien-12.22.07 -
Traded Kendama07 for Traitor04 with
a745-12.25.07 -
Traded Bang18 for Exsphere19 with
illeistic-12.25.07 -
Traded Sketch20 for Book12 with
ryuuseistar-12.25.07 -
Traded Pokedex87 for Chosen05 with
kaorien-12.25.07 -
Traded Sakujo08 for Traitor02 with
enacting-12.26.07 -
Traded Book12 and Exsphere19 for Idiot04 and Traitor19 with
a745-12.26.07 -
Traded Pokedex116 for Traitor15 with
darkenedsakura-12.27.07 -
Traded Light01 for Idiot14 with
blowsquirt-12.27.07 -
Traded Archer19 for Seal18 with
hitomik -12.27.07 -
Traded Moon20 for Exsphere16 with
technological-12.28.07 -
Traded Whip14 for Traitor16 with
feuillant-12.28.07 -
Traded Airhead08 for Chosen12 with
cloud_sentinel-12.28.07 -
Traded Exsphere 16 for Idiot 03 with
a745-12.28.07 -
Traded Abyssinian04 for Idiot16 with
rashiea at
rashuko-12.28.07 -
Traded Coffee13, Wishes02 and Wishes13 for Idiot08 and 1 C-cert with
bakaelf-12.28.07 -
Traded 1 C-cert for Ruins15 and Seal02 with
resonancy-12.29.07 -
Traded Ruins15 and Seal02 for Idiot05 and Idiot07 with
a745-12.30.07 -
Traded Sinner01 for Seal16 with
kaorien-12.31.07 -
Traded Branch01 for Traitor07 with
kaorien-1.1.08 -
Traded Mafia07 for one C-cert and Broom04 with
wolf_crossbreed-1.1.08 -
Traded Clow33 for Idiot06 with
itsplashes-1.2.08 -
Traded Clow08 for Idiot17 with
itsplashes-1.2.08 -
Traded Persocom03 for Traitor17 with
enacting-1.2.08 -
Traded Booty02 for Kendama17 with
warwolves-1.2.08 -
Traded Kendama17 for Seal13 with
whitelilies22-1.3.08 -
Traded Kendama06 for Traitor18 with
a745-1.3.08 -
Traded Revenge11 for Traitor11 with
mmrobitussin-1.5.08 -
Traded Ougi03 for Idiot10 and Idiot11 with
princess_dexter-1.6.08 -
Traded Money09 for Seal19 with
orlandogirl-1.7.08 -
Traded Kendama11 for Idiot19 and Idiot20 with
a745-1.7.08 -
Traded Protect02 for Chosen03 with
eeveelyn-1.7.08 -
Traded Lunar03 for Chosen04 with
takarou-1.8.08 -
Traded White01 for Idiot12 with
kaorien-1.9.08 -
Traded Ashes16 for Seal14 with
cruxis-1.9.08 -
Traded Virtue11 for Traitor06 with
akivaria_chan-1.11.08 -
Traded Dragon03 for Ice08 with
hitomik-1.11.08 -
Traded Coffee11 for Ice20 with
bakaelf-1.11.08 -
Traded Lancelot03 for Chosen13 with
rashiea-1.12.08 -
Traded Beast11 and Beast20 for One C-cert with
kirikaito-1.13.08 -
Traded Normal08, Normal 09 and Positive05 for 13th01 and 13th10 with
wingdance-1.14.08 -
Traded Gemini09 for Ice02 with
stuffedpanda-1.15.08 -
Traded Pokedex52 for 13th05 with
whitelilies22-1.15.08 -
Traded Materia07 for Ice13 with
azurial-1.15.08 -
Traded Half05 for Seal03 with
blowsquirt-1.15.08 -
Traded Time04 for Clown16 with
princess_dexter-1.15.08 -
Traded Clown16 for Chosen09 with
kaorien-1.15.08 -
Traded Cheezburger09 for Ougi17 with
orlandogirl-1.16.08 -
Traded Materia10 for Seal07 with
azurial-1.16.08 -
Traded Madamada03 for Seal05 with
stuffedpanda-1.19.08 -
Traded Pyro13 for Seal15 with
enacting-1.19.08 -
Traded Clow07 and Clow11 for Traitor20 and Seal01 with
itsplashes-1.20.08 -
Traded Beloved03 and Puzzle11 for Seal04 with
hitomik-1.21.08 -
Recieved Traitor01 from
co_raptor-1.21.08 -
Traded Dynames10 and Necro05 for Ougi13 with
cruxis-1.22.08 -
Traded Sword13 for Ice15 with
a745-1.24.08 -
Traded Resist07 for 13th12 with
enacting-1.25.08 -
Traded Second11 for 13th16 with
roflolzomg-1.26.08 -
Traded Rekka05 for Persocom19 with
stuffedpanda-1.28.08 -
Traded Persocom19 for Chosen18 with
napkins-1.28.08 -
Traded Clow12 for Ice09 with
wingdance-1.29.08 -
Traded Lunar05 for Ice04 with
takarou-1.29.08 -
Traded Broom06 for Chosen11 with
a745 Trade Counter (*multiple cards in a trade for same # of cards = multiple trades*): 72