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I'M HERE NOW. NO NEED TO WEEP. sniperkingftw January 1 2011, 23:37:18 UTC
[ Home is the place to be. Who needs to be out anywhere when you can just chill in the house, knowing girl-Sanji won't be back and pretty terrifying for a while?

Usopp's a master of avoidance. ]


And now I feel like we're two ghosts threading |D mikangirl January 6 2011, 13:09:23 UTC

Do you know much about dogs?


ghost threads are the best threads. sniperkingftw January 7 2011, 06:56:03 UTC
They can't be too hard to figure out. [ Usopp's childhood pets, as they were, didn't really get bigger than unwilling tarantulas and salamanders >_>a ]


/makes woooo sounds mikangirl January 9 2011, 04:54:39 UTC
I figure between the two of us we can work it out. [D-don't remind her ;A;]


I'll get the crucifix. sniperkingftw January 9 2011, 21:01:54 UTC
Yeah, sure! We're probably the best suited for that kind of thing. [ Puppies are hardcore serious business, Nami. ]


I'll get the ... wait, does garlic work on ghosts? :|a mikangirl January 9 2011, 22:03:45 UTC
In this household? You betcha.

Drink? [Have a bottle 8|]


Surely if we believe it does. sniperkingftw January 10 2011, 09:06:51 UTC
[ He will gladly take that bottle. ] Thanks.


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