Undecided title (2/?)

Apr 08, 2011 02:03

Title: (2/?)
Pair: unknown
Main Characters: Changmin Jinki Minho Jaejoong
WC: 1,494

2. Friends
Changmin couldn’t really believe what’s going on nor can he process anything to suffice his wondering thoughts in shade of black and white for who knows why. He felt completely blanked out like he was warped in twilight zone and everything around him is dead mute and dull with just ‘him’ colored. When the boy wakes up, eyes sleepily looking at him before snapping from it and apologizing nonstop for falling asleep in his little pretend, he got more lost, confuse and even thought he had gone mental right then and there.

The day after tomorrow, Jaejoong said so but he was here, acting his way out without Changmin realizing anything at all-thanks to his appearance too-if not with his leather wallet falling off his pants and revealing who he was.

“You…this…” Changmin choked like a caveman not knowing what else to say, holding out the wallet to the boy who looked at him confusingly before snatching the said wallet away from him in an instant. He knew the boy realized what had happened and he looked more than ready to scurry away from him but that’s the last thing Changmin would want to happen. When the boy was up to race to the door, he had stopped him already with his body weight pinning him on the sofa that fit them both securely.

“Is it really you?” Changmin asked, utterly impatient but confused at the same time. Everything that has happened now was something completely not in his plan. He had always organized what to do in his life like it was some kind of ingredients to a recipe with the procedure, detailed in time and measure. ‘Him’ appearing clearly out of nowhere, looking not so much like the last time he saw him wasn’t helping the anxiety growing in Changmin’s head. All was sidetracked in a total roller coaster ride inside his pitiful head that if suddenly Jaejoong materializes out of nowhere like his brother, he’ll really lose it. Like now, he feels like he’s beginning to literally lose it as tears trickled down his face but his laughter was surfacing the silence between them

“I’m sorry for the surprise?” the younger lad asked as he stared at him in awe and with an equal amount of confusion with just a dab of understanding in his face.

“Jaejoong-hyung told me you’ll come tomorrow,” Changmin muttered, pulling away, sitting up at the far end of the couch letting Jinki move as he folded his legs to sit on the opposite side.

“Yeah but I wanted to surprise you, not expecting you still hate surprises-or is it my timing again?” Jinki mumbled as he scratched the back of his head.

Changmin just looked at him with a peculiar and never been seen expression of his with only sadness seemed to be lingering not in his expression but the aura that emanates around him. Jinki felt it, remembering what his brother had told him. Changmin really never moved on to what he did five years ago, still angry at himself and apologetic to him. He was glad that somehow he was sorry but for the older lad to inwardly torture himself when he already had forgiven him years ago, it just made him feel guilty for not being able to tell him that everything was okay. He is okay now.

“I never hated you, hyung. What do you want me to do to let you know that?” Jinki hopelessly said though much more implied as whining when he pouted reluctantly. It cracked a smile on Changmin’s lips that he was delighted to finally see though he didn’t get why he was smiling with what he said because there’s no pun intended to it or whatsoever.

“Come here and give your hyung a hug first,” Changmin replied with a chuckle and Jinki looked at him quizzically for how he had gone from terribly gloomy to someone who wants his hug (?).

“Wow. Since when did you enjoy hugging people?” Jinki asked a little appalled as he stared down with his smirking hyung who leans in crawling position towards him. “You’re seriously creep-Go away!”

The overgrown kids had now started a game of tag inside the house. They jumped off and on the sofa, pushed and pulled the chairs and tables, slipped here and there and lastly kicked the glass vase accidentally which had frozen them in place, eyes meeting down each other accusingly.

“That’s not my fault,” Jinki muttered shakily, staring at the broken pieces that screamed someone will materialize a ‘scream’ sooner or later.

“Oh who kicked it then?” Changmin countered.

“Yeah, who kicked it?” that sweet voice said before Jinki could even retort. The way she said it was more like ‘speak now or you’ll feel my wrath’ which they both saw once and would never ever want to see again.

They exchanged glances, well glares maybe, till one of them spoke and explained what happened.

“I really didn’t mean to kick it nor did hyung mean to make me kick the vase, umma,” Jinki ended his narrations, giving emphasis to a person that he thought was mature enough to salvage their situation but clearly isn’t, with a toothy smile.

Changmin smiled too, eyes squinting and almost shut close just to avoid his mom’s perceptible glare at him and hopeful to Jinki as well despite the fact that his mom was almost teary eyed to see Jinki herself.

“To get even with your hyung, give me a hug. I really miss my little dubu,” Changmin’s mom cooed and acknowledged the emphasized person. Her son just sighed in defeat looking helpless with a sided battle.

“I miss you too umma,” Jinki chirped sounding like he’s made from sugar, spice and everything nice to which Changmin would’ve agreed to if the younger lad didn’t glance at him with a palpable haughtiness as he twirls his mom around.

“So much for leaving me early in the morning and giving me food to call it quits, like I’m some house pet that only had food in mind. You think I ate the whole thing happily?” Changmin said sulkily emphasizing the words he believed needs an acknowledgement as well.

“Oh my baby, come here. I’m really sorry.” Mrs. Shim cooed, and slipped off Jinki’s arm as she held her arms out for his ‘real’ son. Jinki pouted on the side and Changmin returned the smug look he once wore when he hugged her mom.

“You liar, I saw you from the window eating the chicken hap-“

“Group hug!” Changmin announced instantly before Jinki finishes his statement that would have his mom on his friend’s side once more.

“Yeah. I need a hug from my sweet sons I both terribly miss!” Mrs. Shim lovingly said, hooking her arms on their shoulders while Jinki just sighed quietly with his lips back in a smile just like Changmin who met his gaze shortly before kissing his mom’s cheek to which Jinki gladly mimicked.

“Party for little dubu!”

“I’m not little, umma…”


“Big nose!”

“No eyes!”



▣▣ ▣ ▓ ▣ ▣▣

“Hey Changminnie! Shim Umma!” Jaejoong greeted, waving his free hand to him while the other hold a smaller kid’s hand. The petite woman hurriedly went to the gate where the two boys had stood, behind her was his son rolling his eyes in slight jealousy.

“Omo, is this your little brother?” Mrs. Shim asked softly, reaching out for the kid who gladly reached for hers shyly.

“Yes and his name’s Jinki-““

“Dubu…” Jinki muttered innocently.

“He talks?” Mrs. Shim almost jumped in glee with what she thought was the kid’s first word.

“Shim Umma, he’s actually five years old. Of course he-“

“That ‘thing’s’ five too?” Changmin asked quite surprised.

“He’s not a ‘thing’ Minnie…” Jaejoong frowned at his friend.

“Changmin-ah?” Mrs. Shim called in a low tone voice, eyebrows raised.

“I’m sorry,” Changmin wearily apologizes as he stared down at the smaller kid, disbelieving his age.

“Apologize proper-“

“Big nose!” Jinki called eagerly, pointing at Changmin who was by now fuming and slightly teary eyed. Mrs. Shim and Jaejoong stared at him utterly astonished at what he just said.

“Sorry Minnie, Jinki didn’t mean to say that. I’m sorry too Mrs. Shim,” Jaejoong hastily apologized after recovering from shock, pulling his little brother a little and giving him a light scowl. “Jinki that’s bad. Look, your Changmin-hyung’s upset now-”

“Shortie without eyes!” Changmin blurted, sticking out his tongue to the kid who instantly ran towards him to chase him down.

“Jinki! Minnie!” Jaejoong called worriedly attempting to stop the two when Mrs. Shim stopped him from doing so. She looked at him with a smile at a light squeeze on his hand she held.

“Those two will get close in time,”

“I guess so,” Jaejoong squeezed back, smiling at the scene before them as it turns out to be not as chaotic as it started.

“Come on, Shortie ride on my back,”

“Ne hyungie!”

▣▣ ▣ ▓ ▣ ▣▣
TBC, unbeta-edited. 

onew, minho, jaejoong, changmin, random

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