Fic: "The Needs of the Few" (18/23)

Mar 27, 2013 11:49

Title: "The Needs of the Few"
Canon characters/Pairing(s): Kirk & McCoy, Pike, Finney
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 9,227
Warnings: Foul language, political situations, military stuff.
Summary: As cadets on a summer internship, Kirk and McCoy are supposed to keep their eyes open and their mouths shut. As far as Bones is concerned, that’s just plain ( Read more... )

academy series, fanfic, rating: pg-13, star trek, tnotf

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Comments 5

evilgiraff February 27 2013, 19:05:59 UTC

sickbay23 February 27 2013, 20:58:08 UTC
Another amazing chapter, Jim get's ready for the fight, i'm courious what Jim's idea will be and how will Bones hold himself up. Looking forward for the next chapter, but i understand that raising money for your operation has first priority :)


alaria February 27 2013, 22:12:55 UTC
I'm lacking words ... so exciting!


rogueangel1998 February 28 2013, 04:20:10 UTC
OMG again! The build up in this chapter was intense! And the pacing of the revelations was perfect. But to end it there...cruel, cruel, cruel!

I got wait for more. I'm so glad Jim is back to his old self and willing to trust himself!



rubymiene March 2 2013, 08:29:50 UTC it was the Kazarite ambassador! But why did he do it?


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