Apr 18, 2010 11:30

I JUST fall in love with HARUMA MIURA !!!

yeay mee \(^_^)/

ohmygod, he's so KAWAII and KAKKOI !

first time I met him, in 14 Sai no Haha.
I dont really care about him that time.
but when I watch Bloody Monday, and Koizora,

I know I havent post a picspam of my ichiban,
but now, I just want to post a picspam of Miura, hehe

all pics I take ( Read more... )

other: picspam, !sato takeru, !miura haruma

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Comments 22

shinobu_kujo April 19 2010, 04:51:46 UTC
huahahahahahaha.... dia jatuh cinta sama ade gw....^^;

tapi ade gw emank manis2 gimana gitu.....mesti baek2in gw ama irma loh mit...XD


miitla April 19 2010, 15:45:48 UTC
oke kakak ipar (?)


ogawa_kaori April 19 2010, 13:47:27 UTC
*snorts giggle*

Welcome to the club, Mi!! *shakes hand*
I like him a lot, too!! Especially when he is featured with Sato Takeru *biased* LOL
Because TakeHaru is one of my favorite pairing!! <3

If you ever get any interest to know the rest of AMUSE guys besides him, I'm ready to teach you Mi, khehehe.... *glances lovingly at Sato Takeru, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Sakamoto Shougo, Uehara Takuya, Sakurada Doori, and friends* XDD

And YAY for you listening flumpool's song!!! XDD
Over the Rain will always be my fave song of them! <33 And yes, Bloody Monday rules!!

*sorry I'm rambling* XP


miitla April 19 2010, 15:48:44 UTC
aaaaaaaaaaaa ga nyangka kao juga suka miuraaa~

dan yes, senpai XDD ajarkan aku amuse!!
terrnyata setelah dilihat-lihat, anak anak amuse cakep-cakep XDD

iyaaaa, lagunya flumpool asik asik apalagi over the rain ituuuu *skrng di playlistku cuma itu lagu*


boku_no_taiyo April 21 2010, 13:05:01 UTC
amuse entertainment bukannya buat dorama doangan yak?? noh, mbak nodame jugak dr amuse :3


miitla April 21 2010, 13:18:05 UTC
ada band-band nya jugaaaa..
salah satunya ya flumpool ini XDD

dari osaka, tapi cakep2 euy..
mukanya mulus-mulus, ga kayak.... *ditendang eito* XDDDDD


boku_no_taiyo April 21 2010, 13:04:09 UTC
heeeey~ mi, pas gue iseng2 playback koizora, yang main bukan miura tauuuuuu~ tapi tapi, GEBETAN GUEEEEEE!!! ahahahaha, (happy)
Jackpot ne~~
yg main seto koji, saya yakin! dr tahi lalat di bwh matanya @3@


miitla April 21 2010, 13:19:45 UTC
koizora yang movie, buuuuuuuuuu..
itu miura nyang maeeen!
kalo yang dorama emang seto kojiiii~


boku_no_taiyo April 21 2010, 13:30:58 UTC
ooh, movie yak? nfu~
tapi gapapa, gue (kebetulan) demennya ama seto koji XP


miitla April 21 2010, 13:35:59 UTC
tapi emang semua yang jadi kamen rider keren siii~


miichaan23 April 22 2010, 03:53:47 UTC
Aaaaaaaaaaaah~ aku suka banget entry ini!!!
Miura emang kawaii kakkoii baka(di Samurai High-school), aah semuanya deh!
Anyway, aku save pic2 disini ya miiii :D:D


miitla April 22 2010, 08:27:51 UTC
hehe, aku juga suka entry iniiii~
enak liatnya tiap buka XD

oke, save aja.
aku mau tambah tapi pic-picnyaaa.. ^^


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