Oh darling girl. I know EXACTLY what you mean here! I don't think there's a proverbial 'cap' to passion but it is (at least for me) cyclical. When the universe decides it's time for me to rest? The passion coverts or shifts into a more calm, understated appreciation of this, that and the other. Instead of feeling that fire and sexuality (again my take although I'm sure it's different for others) I feel curious, I go internal, I question and re-evaluate. I think it's a form of checks and balances for the artistic soul. Once your spirit and your poor body has had some MUCH needed down time I think you'll find the fire creeps back in slowly and fuels you once again. Take the hint. Drink a little deeper. Stretch a little slower. And enjoy the fruits of what you've sewn and accomplished thus far before the next phase of self evolution begins. Again just my take... Je t'aime :)
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