Title: Under the Stars
Author: Tess/
mihane_echoRating: Rated M for McSexins
Word Count: 674
Spoilers: None
Summary: Donna gets her beach.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it belongs to the Beeb and I'm borrowing it to play with. I promise I will return them (marginally) unharmed. ;3
Author's Note: Written for
Weekly Drabble Challenge #19 at
doctor_donna. Prompt was beach.
The stars twinkle above them endlessly, going on forever in every direction like a great veil, a blanket under which they are hidden from sight. The reflection of the heavens in the sea, and the silvery foam of the waves, almost make it seem as though the two of them are floating in an ocean of stars. Even the sand underneath their bodies glitters in the moonlight.
Every exquisite feature is outlined in shining white, his nose and cheeks and mouth and shoulders, the unkempt fringe of brown hair, dark eyes that draw her in and speak a thousand tongues but only ever say one thing I love you. She doesn't need the moonlight to see that, though. She can feel that in his touch, how careful he is and how affectionate.
He is solid on her, the hair on his chest tickling her nipples, his arms cradling her so gently, his legs tangling between hers, the whole length of him pressing deep into her core, filling her so that she can't remember what it was like when he wasn't with her.
She can hear his breath hitch by her ear, feel his hearts pound against her breast and his body tremble when he comes. She rides that crest with him, shuddering and giving a little gasp as she tightens around him, and then draws him down as it ebbs away, letting him rest his forehead on hers.
The Doctor grins down at her as Donna sighs, pushes back the short hair by his ear, thumb lingering over his sideburns. "For all the complaining you did," he teases, "You seem to be enjoying it."
"It's spiffy," she says sharply. "Now roll over, it's your turn to have your bare bum in the bloody freezing sand."
Her lips purse in a pout as she says this, and he laughs at her, rolling gracefully onto his back to let her settle on top of him. He runs his hand over Donna's back, smoothes away sheets of sand that cling to her skin. It sprinkles down and catches in the hair on his arm. Tickles.
She's still pouting at him, her eyes glittering silvery blue from under her mussed ginger hair, and he can't help himself. Tenderly he kisses her, savoring the taste of her mouth, the warmth of her lips. Donna makes a quiet noise of appreciation and he smirks when he pulls back.
"I thought you liked the beach?"
“I like a sunny beach,” she groans with slight exasperation. He looks a little disappointed for a moment, and Donna sees this.
"Oh, don’t look like that. I like being with you," she says. And then her eyes soften. "I love being with you. Every new planet in every new constellation, with their barmy little quirks. Sometimes I still feel like I'm dreaming and that when I wake up, it'll be like Egypt, you were never there." She shakes her head. "I don't think I could handle that."
The Doctor cups her face in his hands, looking at her intently. "I'm here, you're not dreaming."
Donna's eyebrows arch suddenly. "Well, I know that, dunce! I have sand wedged in places sand ought not to be, I don't think I'd bother dreaming that."
The Doctor looks startled for only a moment before he grins at her again, only for it to falter when she says, "Can we go in now? It's bloody freezing out here and I'm not too keen on keeping this sand on for much longer."
The Time Lord pushes himself up onto his elbows, mustering a grand pout only inches from her face. "You really want to go in?"
Donna smirks at him, and leans forward to kiss his jaw. "Mhm. I want to slip into our big marble bath and take a nice, long shower and use up all our hot water..."
She moves further down to suckle his ear and his breath catches. With laughter in her voice, Donna asks, "Fancy taking it with me, Spaceman?"
He grins at her. "Oh yes."