Sep 07, 2010 12:36


Apparently, when you're a celebutante that's used to having more than one of everything--it applies to significant others, too! We've received countless reports of Penny Stark's romantic activity as of late, and it seems that one man (or woman) just isn't enough for our favorite privileged princess! But is Miss Stark insatiable, devious or just plain fickle? We'll leave that up to you to decide--though anyone can see the "perks" presented in some of these rumored hookups!

Skewing the News? First on our list of rumored flames is a reporter from the Associated Press, Kellen Abrams. The benefits of dating a reporter would be ideal for Penny, so perhaps she's stacking the deck in her favor? Can't blame a girl for trying to play the press, and there has never been a negative story regarding her in that publication. Now we may know why!

Working on a Charity Case? Perhaps the most surprising and heartbreaking of the list is a boy named Gabriel Peterson. Never heard of him? Neither had we. He's an old friend from college who, a source claims, is a bit of a paranoid, conspiracy theorist who follows our heiress around "like a puppy." It's no secret that Stark loves the attention, but everyone at The Sun just want this kid to see the truth quick before he's hurt!

Can you say "Daddy Issues?" Liking older men isn't a crime--but a MUCH older man who bears a striking resemblance to Daddy Dearest raises some red flags for us! The man in question, Sherlock Holmes, has been reportedly getting cozy with Penny for some time now. Maybe Tony should start paying more attention to his kids instead of his "heroics" and his company!

Money and Power Hungry? Seto Kaiba is an up and coming wonderkins CEO of Kaiba Corporation...sound familiar? While it's not surprising to think that Stark and Kaiba would form a romantic bond based on their similar upbringings and backgrounds, we can't help but wonder if there's some incentive behind the pairing that has more to do with money and power--especially considering Kaiba's ruthless, unemotional, blood-thirsty reputation!

Stop the Presses--Stark Swings Both Ways? The most interesting rumor of the bunch is easily Penny Stark and Emma Frost. That's right Emma Frost: CEO of Frost Enterprises. The pairing makes sense--Frost has recently hired Stark on as a PR representative, and Frost is a notorious man-hater who has been known to "dip her pen in the company ink" before...so to speak. Her "close friendship" with the newly out Justine Hammer raises a few eyebrows as well!

A Bit of Hero Worship? We were the first to bring you the breaking news of one of our own reporters saving our debutante damsel a few months back from a mugger--and now, Stark might have started to "appreciate" the heroic reporter (who chooses to humbly stay anonymous) a bit too much! The staff at The Sun will always remain impartial and without bias, but that doesn't stop her from trying! - Dax Jasper

Sound Off! Who do you think she should be dating? Is Stark's behavior typical, vanilla or scandalous?

[ooc: Anyone who was mentioned in this article--Jack's publication is worldwide and massively read, so feel free to be plagued by other reporters looking for statements, paparazzi, etc. And have a nice day!]



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