019. White; Fierce

Nov 24, 2009 15:21

Title: Fierce
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Amelia Banks
Prompt: 019. White
Word Count: ~1.460
Rating: G.
Summary: Sequel to White Wedding. Part two of Amelia’s plan doesn’t exactly go to plan. But then again, Plan B is always better than Plan A.
Notes: LDT. Figured I couldn’t really do this one in the same style as with Ronon half the speeches would be “...” haha. Still hope you like this, though. Also, I wrote this one very quickly so if there are any mistakes, please let me know and I'll fix them up.


“Are you going to fidget all day?” Ronon asked the woman standing beside him as she bit into the next fingernail on her hit list.

“Uh, well, umm.”


“Yes.” Amelia resigned, restraining herself from tapping her foot anymore, though her fingernail was not so lucky.

He looked down at her and she had the decency to look at least a little sorry for her anxious demeanour.

“Don’t look like that, this is the first time I’ve seen my family in a long time, okay? And bringing home a guy isn’t exactly the way I imagined our reunion to go.”

Ronon decided to answer by simply looking back up at the passing people.

“And your awkward, brooding silences won’t help matters much.”

“Sorry if you feel you have to fill every silence with useless blabber.”

“I do not...” Amelia paused, thought about it, and changed her mind. “It’s genetic, I can’t help it.”

“... Nice comeback.” The smirk that came to his face didn’t help to her ease her mind in the least.

“Thanks.” She bit back, before turning her attentions back to the offending nail once more.

“No need for sarcasm.”

“You started it.”

“You can finish it.” He said, looking down at her once again, one brow raised to show his thoughts. Amelia briefly contemplated that Ronon didn’t actually need to talk at all. His expressions told her what he wanted to say. And right now, she didn’t want to hear how much she looked like a nervous wreck.

“Sorry, I’m nervous.”


She tried to take his advice and keep quiet but failed miserably, returning to her nail, slowly biting lower and lower until Ronon was sure she would start bleeding any second. He could definitely tell that she didn’t like silences.

“Can’t we just get one of those shiny black ones that Sheppard and I got last time?” He asked, trying to help her discomfort by breaking the silence.

“My brother offered us a lift from the airport.”


“I couldn’t say no.”


“He’s family!”


“Shut up.” Amelia changed her mind right then, Ronon needed to speak more, starting immediately.

“But then our beautiful, enlightening conversation would cease, and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

Not exactly what she had in mind. “Shut up.”


“Amelia!” The sound came from the distance and her head snapped in the direction with a grin lighting up her face as soon as she saw the man from which it came.

“Todd!” She returned, hugging her brother as he came close enough for her to reach him.

“Todd?” Ronon’s voice was incredulous and had a hint of distaste in it, like after eating something that left a bitter feeling on your tongue.

“I know what you’re thinking, just shut up, okay?” She muttered out the corner of her mouth as she brushed past him to pick up her bag.

The impression Ronon received from Todd straight away was big. He was taller than Amelia by far, almost as tall as himself and that was no easy feat. He couldn’t help sizing the man up, something about his past made it impossible to not do. But the second impression was love. The genuine love in his eyes as he made small talk with his sister. This made the first impression seem insignificant and Ronon was surprised that he felt relieved at this revelation as well as a little threatened by it.

It had been a custom on Sateda that the men of the family question the daughter’s suitor before courtship could commence. What if... why was he thinking about courtship? That was strange if nothing else.

Amelia and her brother had started walking off, oblivious to him standing there silent. Glancing down, he saw they had left him with the rest of the luggage. Great. Picking up the remaining three bags, he followed.


Amelia had insisted on staying at a hotel rather than the offered family home in which her father apparently still resided. Ronon couldn’t really understand why she refused but didn’t fight against it. The less likely it was that his solitude would be intruded upon, the better.

They had, however, been invited to eat with the family that night. Food equalled good in Ronon’s opinion so he was definitely in. And even some of the nervous energy that Amelia had held before was now being replaced with something else. He wasn’t sure what it was, but she often got a smirk on her face that he found almost frightening. And when a woman got that look, it was never a good thing.


Everything in the next few days went by smoothly, with Ronon being spoken to little and speaking even less. The bride-to-be, Michelle, often came up to speak to him and he learned that whenever that happened, Amelia would be soon to follow, latching herself onto him and interrupting the conversation. It was good that way. He had less chance of screwing things up that way.

He did slip up once, though, when Michelle asked him where he was from he answered truthfully. She asked if Sateda was one of those islands in the Pacific. He just nodded and smiled, per Amelia’s instructions and all was well again.

But often Amelia congratulated him on doing his job very well. As far as he was concerned, that was standing there doing nothing but if he was doing it well, who was he to complain?


“What do you think?”

“You’re asking me?”

“Well... yeah, that’s a stupid thing to ask you...”

Ronon smirked. “You look good, for a puffy ball.”

Amelia almost swore as she looked herself over in the mirror with Ronon sitting casually behind her reading one of the magazines that were lying around her hotel room.

“It is a little big, isn’t it?”

Ronon nodded.

“Oh trust Michelle to pick the ugliest dress in the store just so she could watch me attempt to walk down the aisle in it.”

“Vomit Yellow isn’t your colour.”

“I know, right?” She sounded partly angry, partly sarcastic. She sighed, seeming to be resigned over the dress for the moment. “I don’t care, I’ll still win.”

Ronon wasn’t sure he was supposed to hear that as she appeared to mutter it to herself so he stayed quiet, flicking over the page. He vaguely remembered Amelia telling him that this week was supposed to be a game of some sort. He was sure she was referring to that, but what in particular, he couldn't say.


At the religious gathering place where the ceremony was to be held, Ronon was shoved at the back but he didn't mind. It was long and boring and half way through he wondered if it was all worth it.

And then she came back down the aisle, following the newly bonded couple. She smiled at him and as she picked at her dress unconsciously, he couldn't help but smile back at her. Yeah, it was worth it.


Once again Ronon was placed at the back of the pack of gathered people at the post-bonding celebrations. It didn’t take long for Amelia to find him. She placed herself rather ungracefully next to him and let out a long sigh of relief.

He raised a brow in her direction while continuing to shovel down the food in front of him. She picked at his plate as well.

“I don’t even know half the people that come up to me and start a conversation.” She said, then glancing at Ronon realised that he probably had it worse - a lot worse. She apologised quietly and continued to pick items from his meal.

“So, how we doing?” He asked of her after a particularly large mouthful of food.

“What do you mean?”

“In the game?”

“What game?”

Now Ronon was starting to get confused. And he did not like to be confused.

“You said this week was a game. I don’t know what game, or how to play it, so I was wondering how I went?”

Her gaze flickered to the front table where her brother and his new wife sat smiling and laughing with each other over some joke or other. She seemed baffled, though he thought it might be more at herself than anything else.

“I’d totally forgotten.”

“So... did we lose?”

She turned back to him, still obviously thinking the whole thing through. After staring at him for a little while, she smiled.

“No, I don’t think we did. I’d say we all won.”

“I don’t get it.”

She laughed as she leaned in and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. When she pulled back she was still grinning. “It’s a very complicated game.”


fanfic100, stargate atlantis, amelia banks

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