015. Blue; Drifting

May 25, 2009 19:23

Title: Drifting
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Amelia Banks, Ronon Dex
Prompt: 015 Blue
Word Count: ~590
Rating: PG
Summary: Amelia is confused about where she stands but watching the clouds always seemed to help.
Notes: This ended up in a completely different place than I intended but... there you go. LDT


He found her on the East pier, right on the edge with her feet dangling down above the crashing waves. Her eyes were closed as they faced towards the almost clear sky.

“Banks?” Her eyelids fluttered open at his deep, rough voice that interrupted her thoughts. She smiled, though it was a hesitant sort of smile. “Teyla said I could find you here.” She nodded, slowly closing her eyes again.

The silence stretched on a little more than comfortably, though he never thought he was one to complain about silence. He lowered himself down to sit next to her still body. If he didn’t see her chest slowly rising and falling with deep breaths, he would swear she was a statue.

“So, Banks...” He trailed off. He was never good with words and before now that had never seemed to be important. He let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m...”

“Don’t you dare say you’re sorry.”

He was almost taken aback by the abruptness of her words. They seemed like the first she had spoken in a while as her voice broke on the last word. Her eyes were open when he looked at her but she just stared at the open, blue sky above them.

He didn’t speak, just watched her watching the clouds drift by. He wondered how she could just lay there for so long doing nothing.

“You know, I used to lie in my backyard all the time as a kid, watching the clouds drift past, and try to make shapes of something that could change so swiftly and easily.”

He was sure there was hidden meaning behind her last words but he kept silent.

“But it always calmed me...” She drifted off but she wasn’t finished. “Even in the worst times, they calmed me...” He almost missed the whispered words as the light breeze picked up a little more. She finally blinked and he swore she looked at him for a split second before she blinked again and her eyes were planted once again on the view. “I guess this time is no different.” To prove her point, she took in a long, deep breath.

He stayed silent, looking down at his hands that lay still in his lap.

“It’s so blue, it almost seems surreal.” She said, pondering the sky as the last wisps of clouds dissolved.


“Ronon, don’t say you’re sorry.”

“Banks.” He called to her. She snapped her mouth shut and for the first time, deliberately turned her head to look at him. She was surprised when his head was in line with hers. “I’m definitely not sorry about what happened.”

“But this morning...”

“It’s not my fault if Rodney got himself into trouble... I had to go.” He said. Then he brushed his hand through her long hair that fanned out around her head. “I didn’t want to wake you. What I am sorry for is that you had to wake up alone, nothing else.”

“Oh,” Was all she could say. “So you don’t regret...”

She couldn’t finish her sentence as Ronon’s lips were soon covering hers in a gentle kiss, one almost too gentle for the large, warrior man that he was. It still took her breath away the surprises he gave her every day.


Amelia couldn’t help giving Ronon her first smile of the day.

“Good.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, effectively pulling him down to meet her again in a fervent kiss that was more urgent than the last.


fanfic100, stargate atlantis, amelia banks

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