Hi!! This is... a side project of sorts: a build a city challenge. Since it requires no plot or even massive picture taking, it's a very straightforward retelling of daily events. So it's also a newspaper. :) BACC tend to follow several gazillion families, so.... yeah.
We have a winner! BACC is correct. By no means is my OWBC over, but the storyline I have planned is very involved and requires constant attention. Which is incompatible with baby. For now. I actually have two chapters completely written out and the skeleton of a video all set up, but have been unable to get the right pictures, or played long enough to get to that point in the time line. So yeah... BACC is a temporary comeback to the sims community. :)
Comments 6
Thanks for stopping by. It's good to be back. :D
Great to see you around again Mi - is this a build a city challenge or prosperity challenge or something of that sort, perhaps? :)
And it's a BACC.
And I loved the bands, and the regency side projects and the interlude and.... I have yet to catch up on my readings actually... :)
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