Torchwood 2x13 Exit Wounds - Reaction/Review

Apr 07, 2008 22:06

Tosh! Owen!

Personally, I think Tosh was wasted as a character; it was few and far between that she had anything interesting or revealing happen to her. I still loved her though; she became my fave in the end.

And dear Owen. He was bastard. I loved him. I think in his way, he was sort of like the gruff older brother to the others, except Jack, but ( Read more... )

torchwood, tv, tw, review

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Comments 2

insevens April 7 2008, 20:28:03 UTC
Ooo! I like your journal. It's very green :D

Tosh and Owen are complete love. I will miss them so, so much.

But in other news, you know who else is love?


They are so the new crime fighting superheroes of Cardiff.


midvacent April 7 2008, 23:16:25 UTC
Thank you. I like it it too.

Tosh and Owen are complete love. I will miss them so, so much.
Oh, me too. I keep trying to imagine Torchwood doing stuff with out them and I just see three people and this space where there should be two others. :(



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