Title : why don’t you notice me?
Author :
midori_013Pairing : inoobu, yabudai
Rating : PG
Genre : romance, friendship, angst
Warning : i made kei and daiki become girl here, don’t read it if you don’t like it :-)
Summary : yabu, daiki, dan inoo are childhood friend. Yabu loves daiki, and inoo loves yabu, and this is their loves journey *suck at summary*
Blue for inoo
Green for yabu
Say that you’ll remain in my heart
Say thay you’ll be my friend
We’re such old friends, so why are we so much like strangers?
today is a bright day, but yabus heart not like this day. He become sullen after read a massages from his phone. Then he flip his phone and pack his things. He stand up from his sit and walk to inoos chair.
“ne inoo-chan, wanna go home with me?” asked yabu to inoo who still packing her things. Inoo seems surprise with sudden invitation from yabu.
“ee, what about dai-chan? You always went home together ne?” asked inoo with confused face.
“ah dai-chan ka? She busy with her dance practice today” said yabu and he sighing.
“don’t you wanna go home with me?”
“you was dispointed me yesterday, so you must go home with me today” yabu whining with his pouty lips.
“hai, hai yabu-kun. I will go home with you”
“yatta, arigatou inoo-chan, cause it’s so lonely if i must go home alone” said yabu and smiling to inoo.
“how can i resist you kou, and that smile is so addicted me” said inoo, whisperly
“hai, what are you talking about inoo-chan?”
“ah, iie. Nothing. Btw yabu-kun, are you hungry now? If you hungry i wanna invite you to my favorite place. But if you was full, it doesn’t matter. I will invite you next time.”
“i have a lunch before with dai-chan, but still hungry. Hehe. Why i never get a fat body although i have much appetite ne.”
“i wanna go with you inoo-chan, where will we go?” asked yabu, excitingly.
“do you love oden right? I wanna invite you to eat oden”
“ee, you know that i love oden inoo-chan?” asked yabu again and now with curious face
“ah, i know it from dai-chan, she told me before yabu-kun” inoo said with shaky voice, afraid if yabu’ll ask another question.
“ah, sou ka. Cause i think i never told anyone before except dai-chan. You know it from dai-chan ne.”
“ah, come on inoo-chan. I wanna go there and i am hungry now” yabu said with a smile and pulled inoos hand and drag inoo to exit their class.
“you know kou, i really love this day” said inoo whisperly. She really love this day, cause finally she can be with yabu today although they will just go home and have a dinner. But for inoo, this day is a precious day. She’ll never forget this moment.
“ah, it will be delicious” yabu said, waiting for their food, impatiently.
“it’s delicious yabu-kun, trust me”said inoo, giggling.
Soon after that, the waiter come to their table and serve the food to them.
“atsuii, atsuii,”said yabu when he try to eat the foods although the food is still hot.
“be carefull yabu-kun, it’s still hot, it’ll burn your tongue if you eat this food now” said inoo still giggling with yabu reaction.
“but, it’s look so delicious inoo-chan, i can’t wait to eat that”
“hai, hai. I know you really love it, but it’s still hot yabu-kun”
“hai, hai. I’ll be waiting.” Said yabu, sighing.
“btw inoo-chan, why you never send email to me like dai-chan?” said yabu, suddenly and that words suprised inoo.
“ah, i know you don’t have time right? Cause i think you’re busy with your school ne?”
“iie, i’m not really busy yabu-kun, but if i send emails to you, will you reply it like you replied dai-chans email?” said inoo, try to smile.
“of course i am. I will reply your email like i replied dai-chan email” said yabu while eat his food.
“it’s delicious inoo-chan. You know inoo-chan i really love her although its been 11 years i never meet her.”
“although you never meet her....”
“yes, although i never meet her and never see her face. She’s amazing inoo-chan, we’re really connected although it was only by emails. I told everything about me to her and she told everything about her to me. Ah, Maybe i think i really fall for her now. I really love her.”
“and she’s really beautiful now inoo-chan.”
“you’re really love her ne yabu-kun” said inoo, still try to smile and try to hold her tears fall down.
“i really love her inoo-chan. Ah, why i tell you about this ne. Hehe.” Said yabu, blushing.
“ah, i think cause we’re compatible to each other, and i don’t know why but i feel ease when i talk to you inoo-chan. Can i ask you something?”
“what do you wanna ask me yabu-kun?” said inoo with curious face
“wanna be my friend?” said yabu while reach out his hand to inoo.
“ee, i’m your friend right?”
Yabu shook his head, “we’re friend before, but i want to renew our relationship, i want to know you more from now inoo-chan, thats why i asked you, wanna be my friend?”
With a bright smile, inoo’s reach out her hand and reach yabus hand, “yes i will be your friend from now.”
Thats words really hurt inoo, but she promised herself she will happy when they’re happy together, cause they’re is her friends. It doesn’t matter if it make she hurt and feel the pains but as long as her friends happy she will be happy too.
“ah, thank you for today inoo-chan. I love that oden, sometimes i will invite dai-chan to go to that place.” Said yabu when they was in front of inoos house
“doite yabu-kun, i’m glad that you like that food. And thank you for accompany me today, and i’m happy now.”
“hehehe, me too inoo-chan.”
“jya mata ashita ne yabu-kun, oyasumi.” Said inoo while walking to her house.
“ah, chotto matte inoo-chan. Can i ask something to you again?”
“sure, what do you wanna ask me?”
“wanna go out with me tomorrow? Cause i wanna go to bookstore tomorrow, but i think dai-chan don’t have time to accompany me cause she will busy with her dance practice” said yabu, sighing.
“sure, i will accompany to bookstore. You wanna buy harry potters book right?”
“ee, why you know that i will buy harry potters book tomorrow?” asked yabu with confuse face, why inoo knows that he like harry potter although he never said it to her.
“cause every one are craving for that book now, so i just think that you’re craving for it too. Hehehe”
“ah, you’re right. You’re really know me ne inoo-chan although we never talked before.” Said yabu with his no eyes smile. “btw, we will continue our chat tomorrow cause i don’t want make you miss your study time, hehe. Jya mata ashita ne inoo-chan. Oyasumi.” Said yabu while walking to his house way, and not forget to waving his hand to inoo.
Inoo waving her hand to yabu too, and still stand up in her place earlier while watching for yabu until yabu vanish from her sight.
“oyasumi kou, you know how happy i am when you asked me to accompany you before. And i hope it can heal my pain although it’s only a bit. But it’s still hurt to know that i can’t never reach your heart.” Said inoo, sadly while open her house gate and enter to her house.
A/N: this fic is failed... too much grammatical error coz i’m not good in english *sulking at the corner of my room*...and thank you for my lovely who told me about what food yabu likes, thank you hun :-****** .. Hope you will like it, and thank you for reading m(_ _)m.