Things that are AWESOME and made of TOTAL WIN(!!!1!!11!!1!!!):
♥ Doctor Who!
Finally got a chance to watch The Lodger and The Pandorica Opens last night and both made me shriek with glee! I♥U Matt Smith! (And Karen Gillan! And others who I will not spoil for those who haven't seen TPO yet!)
♥ Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! (and the manga
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Comments 24
*sends hugs* Miss you, dearling! *holds up sign saying "Come Visit!"*
It was pretty awesome. Now the trick is to not fall into the same pattern again. *must not be lazy* ... Well, okay, at least not ALL the time! Hee!
Miss you too! I know, I know. *hangs head* I have to go to Motor Vehicle within the next month to renew my registration. Well, I don't HAVE to go - I can do it online - but I'm GOING to go in person so I can get the new enhanced license and then I can travel over the border - finally! (Besides, I LOATHE my driver's license picture like burning! Bleh!)
Secondly, haven't watched Who yet, although I have downloaded the Pandorica to watch today. Was it any good? Am I going to be violently frustrated until Saturday for Part II? (I was thinking of saving it up to watch in one go XD)
I'm glad you had an awesome time with your friends! ♥
Oh! Pandorica is SO GOOD! OMG!! But yes, you'll be all "OMGWTFBBQ HOW COULD YOU END IT THERE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" so maybe it's better to wait until Saturday if you won't be able to stand the suspense! LOL
I'm glad, too! Friends are awesome! ♥
I need to upload new Who icons!
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