Title: Rise from the Ashes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Teddy/Cedric (Cedric/Roger Davies, reference to Cedric/Cho)
Summary: Muggles have an old saying: "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." Teddy never quite grasped the meaning, until he made a wish of his own.
Chapter 7: (strange) how certain the journey )
Comments 62
Yes, I loved this. Lots and lots. Thank you :)
So what problem did you have with the outcome? *is curious* :)
Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Hmmm well, to me, Teddy should eventually have ended up back in his own time and all would've been more or less well. But that's me I guess, it's simply the kind of endings I prefer.
And I'm a total R/S OTPer so I really couldn't resist sticking in all that *cough*subtext*cough*. Hee!
You don't really think I'd just make Teddy go "POOF", do you? I mean, I'd have to have a really good reason for it... :-P
Thanks so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
Gah. Teddy's wish, and the results, were fascinating, and the dystopia was a really interesting one.
The Teddy/Cedric was so sweet and hot, and Teddy's bonding with Remus and Sirius; and his sweetness with Cedric: all so well done!
Absolutely fantastic.
Also, notes I took during part 3:
"Don't grieve for me." {*sobz*}
"You didn't have to. Why else would you have come?" {moar tears}
Heh. Yeah. You have Evoked Emotion. Good job! :P Art, I say. ;p This is totally going in *memories*. ♥!
God, this was fantastic. Complex and loving and creative and sexy and just so smart. Excellent, excellent work (and god, some of those scenes between Remus and Teddy just about killed me dead. Waaaah!)
Absolutely getting added to my recs page at the next update!
Oh, I'm SO glad you liked it! Yay! *does happy dance* I was writing this for Tarie, but there's so much of me and everything I love in this story, and I'm both overwhelmed and thrilled with the reaction it's received. (And I BAWLED when I wrote some of those scenes between Remus and Teddy!)
Thank you so much!! I'm so thrilled you liked it! Eeee! ♥ ♥
Anyway, thank you for reading! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
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