there are tear tracks down his cheeks, but he's not crying anymore.
luke/percy. | pg. | au. | 249 words.
you are my sweetest downfall.
Percy's sitting on the shore, watching the water when Luke finds him. There are tear tracks down his cheeks, but he's not crying anymore. Luke carefully lowers himself down next to Percy and wraps an arm around his shoulders.
Percy leans into Luke's touch some and takes a deep breath of salty sea water and Luke's cologne. It calms him a little, but Luke still feels small tremors wracking the younger male's body. "I'm sorry," the blonde murmurs softly and Percy's only response is to hide his face in Luke's chest, and Luke just holds him.
The brunette pulls back, green eyes matching the water as he presses a hand to Luke's cheek, his thumb brushing along under his blue eye, almost as if Percy doesn't believe he's there.
Luke doesn't blame him. He knows he's almost out of time. Percy's eyes meet his and Luke doesn't know who leans in first, but feeling Percy's lips on his is nothing like he remembers.
Pulling back slowly, Luke smiles sadly at Percy and pulls them both to stand, but Percy nearly takes him back down with a fierce hug. Luke chuckles and Percy feels the rumbling of his chest. "It's okay, Percy," he murmurs.
Percy shakes his head and Luke starts to shimmer. He takes a step back to avoid falling as the blonde starts to disappear. "I love you," they murmur at the same time and Luke is gone, just in time to miss Percy collapse onto the beach.