fic: in heaven's name

Feb 24, 2010 14:06

title: in heaven's name
pairing: david beckham/iker casillas
rating: pg-13
disclaimer: fiction
summary: long distance relationships are never easy but are manageable if you're willing to put in the work.
01.fall of my table
inspired by Sade's Hang on to Your Love and Nothing Can Come Between Us. okay so i feel like this may be a little... crappy? i'm exhausted from work but this had to be written. feedback would be appreciated kindly!

The locker room full with men disappears for a moment as they embrace, one that surpasses the ‘teammates’ and ‘friends’ status. There is no noise, no movement that distracts either man from one another. When it’s time to pull apart, Iker places a kiss to both of David’s cheeks and smiles, confident in their love.

As David leaves to say his goodbye to the others, Iker half watches, half reminisces of their last night together. Much has been left unsaid, forgotten as they immersed themselves in each other, not ready to fully let go. Fingers had itched to memorize, lips sought to imprint. Neither man had let go of the other until the first signs of daylight.

Finally, David has made his round around the locker room before standing in front of Iker once again.

“This is not goodbye, no? Not for me?”

David smiles, his reassurance intoxicating. “Of course not.”


Months have passed and Iker believes he no longer knows what David’s voice sounds like. He knows how busy his lover is with all the media pressure on top of all the club related things he has to deal with. But besides a five minute phone call they had shared during David’s first week in Los Angeles, their main source of communication has been text messaging and it is not enough. Not for Iker.

Sitting alone in his home with the sores of the day’s training settling into his muscles, Iker picks up his phone and dials the number he knows by heart, has known for years now. It rings and rings before going to voicemail. Sighing, Iker hangs up and places his phone on the coffee table before returning his attention to the television.

No matter how interesting the show he is currently watching is Iker’s eyes slide from the television to the coffee table every few minutes. He cannot help it. So eventually, he gives up and tries calling David again. This time however it goes straight to voicemail and Iker’s stomach knots.


The table is bathed in the low light of the candles, the atmosphere a little pretentious but nothing the couple aren’t used to. The move hasn’t been easy, well not for David. Victoria on the other hand absolutely loves everything about Los Angeles and isn’t wasting a moment to soak it all up. She’s picked the house they call home, the school the boys attend, even the restaurant they are dining at tonight. But David doesn’t mind, not entirely.

Something buzzes against his chest, breaking David’s attention away from his wife for just a moment. He reaches into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and retrieves his phone. The name on the display pulls at his heartstrings but he doesn’t answer it, doesn’t dare to. Instead he waits for it to stop before resting it on his lap. However, it isn’t long before the vibrations start again. Sighing with a heavy heart, he turns off his phone and hopes his love in Madrid understands.


“So I was thinking this weekend I’d come and we could take off to the beach house and forget about everything for a few days.”

Iker bites his lips as soft English filters in over the line. “David... that... I can’t.”

“Can’t?” The soft voice grows even softer and somehow the one word fills Iker with guilt.

“It is Raul’s son’s birthday. I cannot miss it, David.” Silence settles in and it makes Iker uncomfortable beyond belief. Loud, deafening really and he needs to get rid of it, along with the ache that has settled into his heart, his bones. “I am sorry, amor.”

“No, no. That’s okay. I understand. I’ll have to remember to call Raul to wish his son a happy birthday.” There’s a slight pause and it worries Iker before David begins talking again. “Don’t be sorry, Iker. We’ll... We’ll figure something out. Next time, okay?”



He shouldn’t be mad, not really, not as much as he is. He’s the one that wanted to continue this, to have a relationship with David, no matter the consequences. It wasn’t easy but he knew that from the beginning, from the very start when their hands had meet, when their fingers had curled from the touch. But he knows David is worth it, that they are worth it.

So with a long and deep inhale of air, Iker stops packing and sits on his bed. When David had called earlier, Iker had known right away that something was wrong but he wouldn’t allow himself to think such things. He shouldn’t be mad that David cancelled their week together, what would have been their first week together in months. Iker however would never hold it against David for putting his children first because Iker knows that if his kids had been ill, he would do the same thing. Though he doesn’t know what it feels to be a parent just yet, Iker appreciates the type of father David is and loves him for it.

He lies down on his bed and closes his eyes, reminding himself that miles and oceans are not going to keep their love apart.


“This is why I didn’t want to tell you, Becks!”

David looks up from his phone with a frown. Victoria has been messaging him about little mundane things and he has been grateful for it; he’ll take any distraction right now.

“I’m fine, Steven.”

“No, you are not, mate,” Steven all but sighs as he closes the door to the hotel room and walks to the bed where David is sitting. He takes a seat next to him and places a tentative hand on his knee. “Look, why don’t you just ask him about it, yeah? Maybe Alonso and Torres got confused or something.”

“Confused with another Iker?”

Steven sighs. He knows he shouldn’t have told David that according to Xabi and Fernando Iker has been seeing someone, a rather pretty someone. But the friendship Steven and David have means too much to both men, too important to shield the truth.

They lapse into a bout of silence that worries Steven but he doesn’t dare to be the first one to break it. Luckily he isn’t.

“He’s allowed to be with someone else though, right?”

The defeated tone of his friend’s voice pierces through Steven’s heart. Shuffling over, Steven throws his arm around David’s shoulders.

“I don’t know, Becks. You need to talk to him.”

“Yeah,” David whispers before letting the blanket of silence fall over them once again, thoughts plaguing his mind.


Many more doubts arise and how could they not? Miles separate them. Phone calls are never enough. Getting together, for a few days, maybe even a week, helps but it too isn’t enough. But they try, try as best as they can to make it work, to make their relationship and love follow a course others question and criticize. At times, frustration mounts to exceeding limits and both men want nothing more than to call it a quits but then they stumble into reality and even trying to just imagine their lives without one another cuts deep than any other infliction ever suffered.

So they hang on to their love as tightly as they can with slippery fingers. If one lets go, both will fall.

david beckham, footie!fic, iker casillas

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