Title: The Thinning Line
Fandom: Game of Thrones/ASoIaF
Characters/Pairings: Jon/Sansa
Rating: M
Words: ~1.650
Warnings: Mild spoilers through ADWD
Written for:
Game of Thrones Kink Meme prompt in which "the two of them are in an established relationship, but they have to keep it secret (possibly because they are at the Wall and Jon is still Lord
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Comments 14
Also, I love jealous!Jon ^_^
hehe, there can never be enough jealous!Jon :p
Thank you for sharing this, bb!! BEAUTIFUL!
Also, quick question... I was reading the user info. at hbo_gotfiction and it indicated that only fics based on the show can be posted due to GRRM's 'no fanfiction' request, but I've noticed that this clearly isn't enforced. What's the deal with that? I mean, hardly any fic I've read there fails to reference something that is obviously book canon but has yet to happen on screen... do you know where the lines are drawn? Or if they are at all? Is that warning in the user info. really just to cover the owner/maintainers of the comm? SO MUCH POLITICS WITH THIS FANDOM! I can't keep up!
Also also... my degree of being spoiled for this show is getting ridiculous! Haha!! I have no self control and there appears to be no accepted ettiquette for it in fandom *facepalm*. If I could just stay awayyyyy... but I can'ttttt!
and thank you so much, I'm so glad it worked for you :D<3333
&& for the community, the mod allows us to post fic based on the books so long as it's member locked (generally communities that post book-related fic are completely member locked, but because this one is "supposed" to be more show based it's all good hehe)
omg I hear you bb, after about a week into this fandom I gave up all hope of not remaining spoiler free lol ::( when I'm this invested in something it's VERY difficult for me not to write fic or meta so it was a sort of trade-off I guess D:
I love this. I love how Jon gets super pissy about watching his men watch her, and how Sansa is the one to initiate their Secret Sexy Time, and all his memories of Ygirtte (because, let's face it, Jon has SUCH a thing for redheads. ;) )
In short, ILU, this is perfect, and please to write all the Jon/Sansa forever, KTHXBYE.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and there could NEVER be enough jealous!Jon in this world hehe :p
You make me ship this SO MUCH. It's perfect, just perfect. They're together, but they're still so thwarted- memories, vows, everything gets in the way, but it just makes them want each other MORE. Gorgggggeeeeouuuuuusssss. Beautiful writing is beautiful.
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