Name/Alias: SK.
Age: 16.
Gender: F.
Would you prefer to be voted as a boy, girl, or no pref: I'd actually prefer a guy, but no pref. :]
Where you heard about this community: Some other rating comms had it advertised as an affiliate.
About You
Favorite Color: Blue and black.
Favorite Food: Popcorn and other salty foods.
Favorite Song (and why): I don't have a favorite song...I'm more of a person who likes types of music rather than specific songs.
Strengths: I'm usually mature and the voice of reason, unless I'm in a weird mood, in which then I can be quite unpredictable (I've been called a dork multiple times). ♥ I'm pretty responsible, since I'm the oldest child of my family, although I tend to be lazy on things, procrastinating to the last minute (but that's not much of a strength, eheh). I'm calm (but I can overreact at random times) and loyal to my friends/family caring deeply for my friends to the point of protecting them as well as my siblings. I'd never think of betraying them even if they ever betrayed me. I am quite intelligent and do well in school. I'm told to be quite witty. And actually, I'm pretty good at teasing and scaring people.
Weaknesses: Because I tend to bottle my emotions and can be sensitive at times, I tend to fall into depression easily and worry a hell of a lot, even though I want to appear like nothing's bothering me at all and let things bounce off me. At times I'm very pessimistic, only thinking of the ways things could go wrong and what has gone wrong, but it's only because I'm a logical person and want to fix my mistakes, even if I don't like to admit to being wrong. I can also be slightly cold to some people and quiet, depending on how talkative the other person is. If they're quite social, then I tend to be quieter to balance things out, and if they're less talkative, I want to open them up, so I tend to speak up more, and if on the right topic (such as something I'm obsessed with), I may be chatting for quite a bit. Even though I sometimes appear slightly anti-social, I do have friends, but at times I'm just alone since my friends have other friends than just myself, which can get on my nerves me selfish, but I can't control the way I feel. I tend to jump to conclusions too easily and am quite the observer, over-analyzing and thinking too much about things...and in the end not getting the correct conclusions. Oh, and I procrastinate a lot, but seem to get everything done on my agenda in the end, no matter how much time I have. I also seem to find the faults in something more than the achievements (just look at my application's strengths compared to weaknesses; my weaknesses are much longer), and would rather have the urge to say something that would improve something rather than a comment on how well a person did whatever they did. Oh, and sometimes I can make sarcastic or smartass comments, although I tend to think of it as "logically pointing things out"... I'm also disorganized (because I find it a hassle to clean my room), but I usually find things nonetheless.
What you love: Anime, manga, drawing, laptops, computers, CDs, my friends and family, working alone, music, dragons, trenchcoats, chocolate, popcorn, internet, roleplaying, money, icon-making, movies, cosplay, video games, glasses, control over things/power, cartoons, tea, orchestra, violin, track (sprinting), strategic games, Pirates of the Caribbean, the British, Kingdom Hearts, Phoenix Wright for DS, DDR, karaoke/singing, yaoi/shonen-ai, yuri/shojo-ai, cats.
What you hate: I hate it when I'm incorrect. I also dislike it when I don't know something, because I have this silly urge to know everything. I also hate it when people bug me, especially if I'm working. List of other things I dislike: Celery, people who insult my religion, annoying people, stress, insects (especially bees), loud noises, harsh lights, bad grades, aches, illnesses, whiners, liars, boredom, overly "happy" songs.
Hobbies & Interests: I kinda put them in my "What you love"s...
Your dream: To be a great violinist in a local orchestra.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Unfortunately I'm quite pessimistic, but that doesn't mean I don't try to cheer up friends when they're down. I just tend to think of things as having not just the "happy ending" but more than one result to things, depending on choices chosen. So both, actually.
Mature or Immature: People say I'm mature (except for certain people who say I'm a dork at times), and I believe I am 95% of the time...but it seems that everyone has their little bouts of immaturity, whether they like it or not. :| I can seriously be weird sometimes, even if I don't come off that way.
Summer or Winter: Winter, since summer's too hot and buggy. Winter also has Winter Break which includes Christmas...
Morning or Night: Nighttime! I tend to stay up late and lazily sleep in (unless it's a school day, guuuuh.)
Outgoing or Shy: In-between. I still don't like talking to strangers much (unless I know they have similar interests to me so we can connect), but I'm feeling a lot more open now than I used to be. I'll kindly glomp you if I know you well enough.
Conservative or Risky: Definately conservative. Why take risks when you can be safe and sure of it? I don't like putting myself or others in danger.
Lead or Follow: I can do both. If people are off-task and are just screwing around, I tend to take up the leader position and get them back on track. Otherwise, most of the time (but not always) I'd rather not lead. I tend to be the person who "does my own thing".
Confident or Modest: A lot of times I try to act cocky, although deep down I'm doubtful of myself a lot of the times. depends on what we're talking about, really. Some things I think I can't do very well and other things I know I can do really well.
Logic or Emotion: A little bit of both. I try to act more on logic, but I can be emotional.
Can you put your trust in people? Why or why not? A lot of times I don't trust anyone but my really close friends and family. Hell, the other day, I helped out a guy with his groceries, and since it was dark out and we were the only people around, I kept looking back at him after helping him to make sure he wasn't going to come and run after me like some creepy freak or pull out a gun. Yeah; I'm paranoid.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Why or why not? I prefer working alone or with some close friends. Most of the times alone, though, since my friends are often not in the same classes as me. Anyhow, I wouldn't want to work with anyone else though, because I tend to think I work more efficiently and quickly without anyone bothering me or not pulling their own weight. I'd rather just do it myself...or with friends I know I can trust.
Do you: Help people whenever you can; Wish you helped people but walk away anyway; or believe people get what they deserve? It all depends on the situation. I don't like helping a lot of the times, but I feel guilty if I don't. And then there's that stange sadistic side to me that laughs at people who lose on Deal or No Deal.
Do you act on impulse and instinct or do you take time to think things through? Think things through, unless there's no time to think.
What is your choice weapon and why? Sharp things, fiery things, electric things, explosives, and more sharp things. I just like them. No other reason why.
What is one thing you believe in more than anything? Would you fight for it? I don't know anymore...guuuuuuh.
If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be? It's hard to focus on one specific thing...I guess I'd like to identify the margin between friendly and weird, because I used to be a bit anti-social, so I tried to change. Now I just feel awkward sometimes, and wonder if I annoy people sometimes. It's a hard thing to find!
Kinda tall, green eyes, often wears black and other dark colors but isn't against wearing lighter ones.