Title: Shining Star (Chapter 4 - completed)
Paring: Kangin/Leeteuk, Yunho/Jaejoong from DBSK
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, only the plot.
Summary: It all started when Jungsu and Youngwoon were still the trainees.
Previous Chapters
(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3)
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Comments 20
I put an ending to this fic somehow, but now I found one-shot is much easier coz I can just pick out some scene and don't have to give it an order, explanation or even reason sometimes xDD
needs more KangTeuk-fics ffs D; ♥
yeah, I need much more kangteuk fics too!
maybe some more, coming soon~<3
I hope you will continue to write Kangteuk because the world needs more Kangteuk XD
yeah, the world and I need more KT<3
why is it the end already ;A; I was surprised, I thought this would take longer. sniffs
kangteuk kiss is always so sweet. kangin always turns into a soft teddy bear towards leeteuk. contrary to his brash and rude self ;D
still, why is it over ;A;
you'll write them again, 'aight? *puppy eyes*
It could be longer, but the longer I write the more it tended to be angst-like somehow... I wanted this to be happy ending!
I might write some "later" stories someday coz I cannot look away from your puppy eyes XDD *giggles*
And I love how Kangin becomes so sweet only to Teuk, too! Sweet bear<3<3<3
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